Page 33 of Save Me, Sinners

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“That's very good, Angel,” he sighs. His mouth draws closer to my shoulder. I feel his breath across my neck and chills cover my arms. I close my eyes and open my legs further.

“Oh, that's very good. When we do this, when it reaches its climax, we have many words for this. Do you know them?”

My breath is uneven. “Climax,” I repeat numbly. His fingers nudge against me, then deeper.

“Yes… and orgasm. And many people simply call it coming. Can you say that?”

“Coming,” I repeat, feeling my body rocking back and forth, feeling the pleasure slosh through me like wine in a jug.

“Some people even ask for it. They say make me come. Can you ask me that?”

“Father Daddy,” I groan as softly as I can, “can you make me come?”

“Yes, I can,” he growls. His face buries itself against my neck as he strums vigorously against my flower. The explosion goes off like a rocket inside me, bucking my hips over and over again and filling his palm the sweet nectar that comes from deep inside me.

He lays me back on the bed, kissing my cheekbones and forehead as my breath slowly goes back to normal.

“That was wonderful. It was beautiful, Angel,” he coos.

“Thank you, Father Daddy.”

“You still have so much left to learn. Would you like to continue training?”

“Yes, please. I really would. I want you to teach me everything.”

I feel him nod. “Will you please meet me in the barn tomorrow at dusk?”

I smile. I can't believe my good fortune.

“Yes, I will.”

I grin happily, standing up from the bed and finally opening my eyes. He is smiling at me so sweetly it makes my heart ache.

“Dinner smells like it is just about done, Angel. Do you still have work to do?”

“Yes, Father Daddy, I do,” I answer obediently, shifting side to side and getting my legs under me. I feel shaky and rubbery, but I do manage to stand up straight. The force of the joy inside me alone should make me buoyant enough to walk.

“I think you're going to be my favorite, Angel,” he smiles as he moves to leave my little room. “I hope you're prepared for that.”

Chapter 13


This day is going so slowly. I even slept in an extra half an hour, laying in my bed as long as possible to make my chores seem more urgent. If they’re urgent, I assume they will go by faster.

But no.

Instead, I count every string bean that I pluck from the vine. I count every weed that I pull out of the dirt between the radishes and the lettuces. If we don't get some rain soon, this garden is going to turn completely to dust.

I turn on the soaker hose and use the remaining few inches of the rain barrel. It won't be enough. It will have to rain the next two or three days or we will have to ask Father Daddy to do something.

Father Daddy.

Father Daddy.

I can't stop thinking about it. Everything reminds me of him. The earthy scent of the dirt between my fingers. The sultry tops of the radish leaves under my thumb. I never noticed before how the whole world is organized this way. Things beget more things. All of life is about joining and reproducing and cultivating every effort for production.

I can't believe how Brother Owen and Father Daddy have altered my mind. I knew this ceremony was going to be magical, but how could I have known it was going to be like this? How could I have known there was going to be a real, secret place in my heart and my body that I had never explored before? I feel brand new. I feel reborn.
