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Callum swooped his head down, cutting her off with his mouth. He felt her shock in the momentary paralysis of her lips before a moan escaped from the back of her throat and she relaxed against him, her mouth moving on his.

‘Sometimes,’ he murmured, pulling away slightly, her lips moist from his, ‘it is.’


He placed a finger across her lips, his forehead resting against hers. ‘Nothing’s felt this right in a long time, Hailey.’

She shivered at the catch in his voice, the stroke of his finger against her mouth, the proximity of his lips still only millimetres from hers.

‘I know you feel it too,’ he murmured.

The intensity of his gaze focusing on her mouth was captivating.

‘I think I’m falling for you,’ he whispered. He removed his finger and brushed his lips across hers. ‘I think I’m falling bad.’

Hailey could barely breathe. His words were mesmerising, his mouth entrancing, his nearness intoxicating. ‘Callum,’ she croaked.

He kissed her then. Properly. His hands cradled her face and he opened her mouth with the sheer force of his own. His pulse tripped and his breath came in tortured gasps. Hers sounded just as rough, just as wild, and he revelled in her tenuous control as she moaned deep in the back of her throat and yanked him closer by his lapels.

He didn’t know what was going to happen after this. What the morning would hold or any of the days after. All he knew was now. Holding her, kissing her, making love with her. This had been their destiny since that very chaste kiss on the balcony. And nothing else mattered.

He straightened, pulling her up with him, lifting her off the floor, grasping her bottom and placing her up on the kitchen bench without pausing for breath. Now they were face to face. He parted her legs, pushing himself between them, planting himself firmly at the juncture of her thighs, her knees cradling his hips.

He broke away, his breath almost painful in his chest. ‘You’re beautiful,’ he said, stroking her hair back from her face, touching her lips, which were swollen from his ministrations.

Hailey ran her tongue along the pads of his fingers. ‘So are you.’ And she reached for him, pulling his head down, her lips seeking the heat of his, the feel of his, the taste of his. He tasted like beer and man and she moaned at the richness of it.

She felt his hands tighten on her buttocks and he slid her forward, forcing her thighs wider, causing her to lock her legs around his hips. The rough cotton of his clothes, the bulk of his zip and what lay beneath it pressed against her centre and she clung to him as he rubbed against her.

Her breasts were squashed against his chest. The heat between her legs where his erection taunted her was unbearable. She wondered if it was possible to enmesh herself with him, truly become one, through sheer force of will. She felt hot, burning up all over, and still, like a moth, she wanted to be closer to his burning white flame.

She slid her hands down his back, her hands finding his buttocks. They felt round and firm in her grasp and she squeezed, bringing him closer still. He thrust against her and it was sweet, erotic torture.

Her hands crept under his shirt and roamed the contours of his back. His skin was hot and very, very male, and she wanted to see his chest again. To explore it with no fear of interruption. To press her own nakedness against his, feel his heat on her breasts.

She pulled away, her breathing ragged. ‘I want to see you,’ she told him, her fingers fumbling with his buttons.

Callum groaned as her nails grazed his chest. He claimed her mouth again, plundering her sweetness. Her fingers brushed his stomach and he wanted to tear his shirt off. His lips grew bolder, wanting to have more of her. They devoured the arch of her neck, licking the pulse that beat frantically at the base. They nibbled along the length of her shoulder, moving the singlet strap out of the way with his teeth.

Hailey gave a frustrated growl as the last button eluded her. Callum gnawed at her neck and she pulled at the two sides of his shirt abruptly, ripping them apart. The button popped. She vaguely heard the noise of it landing on the tiles somewhere behind them.

She gave him a triumphant grin and pushed his shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. It was better than she remembered. Smoother, browner, wider. More sculpted, more defined. She pressed a kiss to the smooth, flat perfection of a pectoral muscle and felt the skin twitch under her lips.

She placed her hand where her mouth had been, her gaze going lower, following the intriguing narrow line of hair that bisected his abs and trailed behind the waistband of his jeans. She let her hand follow the journey her eyes had just taken, coming to rest at the button keeping the rest of him from her.
