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“They were in working condition when we put them in there,” Chase replied. “After dinner, you and Ty can take a look at them. If you’re still interested, I’ll make them a wedding present to you.”

When Logan started to say something, Cat laid a silencing hand on his arm. “Thank you, Dad. It’s the best gift you could give us.”

Logan was clearly amused by her quick assertion. “I have the feeling your daughter thought I might object. I don’t. I accept it as a wedding gift.” Somewhere within his answer was the inference that he wouldn’t be so quick to accept future “gifts.”

Chase nodded. “I’m glad we agree on that.”

“What’s a buck rake?” Quint frowned.

“It gathers up hay,” Logan explained.


“It’s easier to show you than to tell you. As soon as you finish eating, we’ll go look at it.”

When the meal was over, Ty, Logan, and Quint did just that while Cat stayed to help Jessy with the dishes. Chase pitched in, carrying a stack of dessert plates to the kitchen, then lingered to have another cup of coffee, his glance running over Cat in quiet speculation, noting the new vibrancy, the shining ease.

“I guess I don’t have to ask how you and Logan are getting along,” he remarked.

A little startled, she stopped, then laughed softly. “No, you don’t.” She paused and looked thoughtfully at the kitchen with its dark cherry cupboards and huge, brick-fronted fireplace, a room that was as big and solid and lived-in as the rest of the house. “It’s funny, but I thought I would never be happy living anywhere else but right here. But I am.”

“It shows,” Jessy told her with an approving smile.

“I guess it does.” Cat was glad that it did, and proud, too. Sighing, she admitted, “I’m so happy it scares me sometimes. In a way, it’s like waiting for a shoe to drop.”

“Don’t borrow trouble, Cat.” Chase was sharp with her. “It’ll find you soon enough. When it does, it won’t be when or from where you expect it.”

“I know.” But his words only reinforced the feeling that a menacing black cloud loomed on the horizon.


Danger now surrounds you.

There’s nowhere that you can hide.

Fighting back is your only answer.

Go armed with that bold Calder pride.


/> A dusting of stars threw their silver sparkle across the dark sky as night settled over the rugged and broken country of the Circle Six. The smell of wildness came from those tangled hills, carried on the wind’s cool breath.

Comfortably cradled on Logan’s lap, Cat felt only the heat radiating from his body as they shared one of the rocking chairs on the front porch. Quint was in his room, sound asleep, giving them some rare time to themselves.

“Dad’s flying to Miles City at the end of the week to attend a livestock association meeting.” Cat idly ran her fingers through Logan’s hair, disturbing its smoothness. “I thought I might ride along, and do some shopping, maybe pick up a couple of chairs for the living room and get rid of that old platform rocker.”

He drew his head back, raising one eyebrow. “What’s wrong with the rocker?”

Cat looked him straight in the eye. “It’s ugly.”

“It’s a little nicked and worn.”

“A little?” she scoffed.

“All right, more than a little. Just the same, you’d better hold off replacing it for a while. After buying the mower, we can’t really afford to get anything else right now.” He rubbed a hand over the curve of her hip.

“That’s not a problem.” She kissed the corner of his mouth. “I’ll buy it myself. I do have some money of my own.”
