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I get into my SUV and click my seatbelt on.

“Holy crap,” Violet mutters.

Our eyes meet.

“That was crazy. Ray’s out of jail apparently, and further news - he’s got court Monday. She came to ask if I’d seen him because she’s afraid he’s going to miss court and she’ll lose the bail money. Did you know he was out?”

I shake my head. “That woman is a train wreck. Did she upset you?”

Violet shakes her head. “No. It was just sort of weird. I was with him for three years, he had nothing nice to say about either of his parents, especially her. She sounded like an abusive Mommy Dearest type. Drunk, mean to him. Called him worthless. Slapped him around a lot. I can see it after two minutes talking to her. Can totally see it.”

Violet shudders.

“Make you feel some sympathy for him?” I ask.

She grimaces and shakes her head. “Nope. He’s responsible for his own actions. We might not have control over how we’re raised, but we’re accountable for our own actions once we’re adults. He chose to be the kind of person he is. That’s on him. You didn’t know he was out?”


“I wonder if he took off.”

“Guess time will tell,” I say and start the car. “We’ve got a plane to catch. Catch me up on your day, baby. Forget all that shit. Kiss?” I lean in and she kisses me and then leans back. Her smile is a little shaky, though. I can see that she’s affected by talking to his mother.

“Let’s forget about that shit, have a good weekend, okay? You ever been to Vegas?”

We stop at a red light.

She nods. “Yeah, I … um… went there with Ray when we were first together. And I was also there on my twenty first birthday with Susanna.”

“Ah. Well, next trip we take it’ll be somewhere you haven’t been then. Where do you wanna go?”

“Everywhere,” she says. “Love to travel. I like to alternate between beach vacations and sightseeing. Love soaking up culture. Seeing landmarks. Trying new food.”

“Yeah? What’s your family’s nationality?”

“English and Irish,” she says. “What about you?”

“Scotch-Irish father, mom was half-Italian,” I say.

“Have you been to Scotland, Ireland, or Italy?” she asks.

“Not yet, no.”

“We should go and explore castles and try to see the loch ness monster and go to the Colosseum and take a boat in Venice, and eat spaghetti in Tuscany, and-”

“Buy shoes in Milan?” I interject.

“Yes! Shoes.” Her eyes go dreamy for a second.

“Maybe we’ll do that someday.”

She giggles.

“Maybe someday soon,” I add.

“That’d be awesome,” she says dreamily. “Milan is now top of my list.”

“But today… Vegas.”

“Vegas!” she exclaims and blows into her cupped hand, then throws imaginary dice.

“Snake eyes. Boo,” she adds.

I tsk. “Never bet against the house.”

“Nope. No gambling for me, thank you.”

“Me either, baby. Never again.”

She wraps her arms tight around me.

“Gambling can be good, and it can be evil. I’d bet it all that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Killian Coulter.”

“Fuck, I love you, Dimples.”


Once we’re parked, I open the trunk and pull out the large suitcase and she blinks in surprise.

“So, to keep things simple, I put some of your stuff in a suitcase,” I tell her. “But I’m not a master packer by any stretch, never packed for a woman before, but hopefully I brought you enough stuff. Like I said, we can shop for whatever else you want or need.”

“Okay,” she says with a shrug. “I’m game for the adventure. Did you remember underwear and bras?”

I smile. “Yeah, I did. Must say it was fun picking out lingerie for the weekend.”

She beams at me. “I bet it was. Did you bring me anything besides bras and underwear?”

I shrug. “Can’t remember. Got stuck on that part.”

She laughs.

“Brought you some shoes, I think. Toothbrush. Your makeup bag. Couple sexy nightgowns.”

She laughs. “That’s good. When is the wedding?”

“Tonight, actually.”

“Tonight?” Her expression drops. “What about a dress?”

“Brought two of your dresses. Plenty of shops around. We’ll find you something. You look good already though.”

“Well, thanks, but this is a business suit. Am I gonna have time to put on fresh makeup and do my hair?”

“Don’t sweat it, baby. It’ll be cool.”

“Did you bring a suit? How formal is the wedding? Who is it getting married again?”

She’s wigging out a little. And normally this would irritate me, it had in the past with women, but with Violet I don’t find it annoying; I find it cute.

“Don’t worry. It’s a Vegas wedding. Casual is fine. We’re gonna miss our flight; we gotta motor.”

I rush unnecessarily with her to get her to stop asking questions and get us to the plane.



We’re in a private plane. And Killian is looking at me with what I think is mischief.

I’m flummoxed. And he’s acting like he thinks it’s funny.

“What’s going on?” I ask.
