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Tarass paled, recalling both births and the hours he had spent with each man as they suffered impatiently through it. His worries started then for when Snow would birth their bairn and now here it was. “I can’t do hours.”

Ruddock and Slatter laughed.

“You’re not the one doing the hours,” Slatter said.

Ruddock offered his own advice. “They say it gets easier with each birth.”

“Easier for the men, not the women who labor in endless pain to give you sons and daughters,” Sorrell said, entering the Great Hall.

“You’ve got tears in your eyes,” Tarass said, his heart suddenly pounding in his chest. “Something’s happened. What’s wrong? Snow? Is Snow all right?” He went to rush past Sorrell.

“You can run like a fool to find out for yourself or I can ease your pain and tell you. It’s up to you,” Sorrell said, folding her arms across her chest.

Tarass walked over to the petite woman and glared at her. “Ruddock should keep a firmer hand on you.”

“Like you do with my sister?” Sorrell asked with a smug grin.

“Sorrell!” Ruddock snapped. “Don’t torture the man.”

“Whatever you say, husband,” Sorrell said sweetly, and Ruddock shook his head.

“Snow delivered the bairn with ease. Spit him right out she did, and she’s eager to introduce you to your son.”

Tarass grabbed Sorrell and hugged her, then ran out of the Great Hall, Thaw rushing ahead of him.

Slatter followed behind him, his pace much slower.

Ruddock went to his wife, his big powerful arms closing around her to cradle her with love. “Cry as many happy tears as you want, wife.”

And Sorrell laid her head against her husband’s thick chest and did just that.

Tarass burst into the room and stopped when he saw his wife sitting up in bed, looking as beautiful as she always did and cradling his son in her arms as Thaw sniffed at the little bundle with curiosity.

He hurried to his family.

Willow turned to leave and saw Slatter enter. He spread his arms wide, and she eagerly went to him and stepped into his loving embrace, a few tears trickling down her cheeks.

They left the room together, Slatter keeping one arm around his wife as he closed the door behind them.

“Your son,” Snow said proudly when Tarass stepped next to the bed and peered down at the bairn.

He stood speechless.

“He has his da’s handsome features,” Snow said.

Tarass touched his sleeping son as if he needed to see that he was real. “My son. My da would be proud knowing the Clan MacFiere lives on.”

“Then it is only fitting that he has your da’s name,” Snow said.

Tarass once again found himself speechless, though not for long. “My da would burst with pride that a grandson carried his name.”

“The first of many grandsons and granddaughters who will carry on the MacFiere name,” Snow said with pride the thought brought her.

Tarass leaned down and kissed his wife’s brow. “I’m relieved you delivered our son fast. I don’t think I would have survived hours on end of you in pain.”

Snow laughed. “Either would I.”

Thaw got up on the bed, licked Snow’s face, sniffed Winton, then went to the bottom of the bed and curled up as if the ordeal had exhausted him.

“I’m with you, Thaw,” Tarass said and slipped off his boots before he got into bed beside Snow and slipped his arm around her, then reached down to gently touch his son’s tiny fingers. He felt a tender warmth run through him, felt his heart fill with joy, and was reminded of what it was like when his mum and da had been alive. This was family. This was love, and he silently thanked the heavens for sending Snow to him.

He kissed the top of her head. “I love you, Snow, and that will never change.”

“It better not, husband,” she teased.

“I’m yours always,” he assured her.

She looked up at him and frowned.

“What’s wrong?” he asked anxiously, worried she wasn’t feeling well.

“I don’t know if that’s long enough,” she said, a soft smile spreading over her face.

“Can’t do without me, can you, wife?” he teased, kissing her gently.

Her smile faded slowly and she shook her head just as slowly. “No, I can’t do without you and I don’t want to do without you.”

“And I cannot do without you,” he said and hooked her chin with his finger. “So, I guess that means we’re stuck with each other for eternity.”

A smile lit Snow’s whole face. “That sounds about right to me, husband.”

Tarass grinned and brought his lips to hers, sealing their words with a kiss.
