Page 106 of Snowed In

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“You were just a bystander back there. One who happened to be gorgeous, and alone, and so I—”

“Rescued me from a shitty date?” I smirked.

“Well yeah,” he laughed out loud. “You didn’t want to make deceptively short babies with that guy anyway, did you?”

“No,” I admitted. “I sure didn’t.”

“Well then no harm done,” said Kyle, turning his phone’s screen off. As he slipped it back into his pocket, I felt a sense of disappointment. Of missed opportunity.

I didn’t want him to go.

“You sure you’re not looking for a one-on-one girlfriend?” I asked coyly.

He let out a long breath. “Sorry honey. Tried that too many times. The very definition of insanity is—”

“Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result?”

He sighed wistfully. “Damn. You really are my kind of girl.”

I kept replaying our kiss in my mind, or rather, our series of kisses. The whole thing had been so good it was almost dream-like. I hadn’t felt that kind of electricity or instant connection in God-knows how long.

Let it go, Sammara.

My inner voice was being stern again, warning me like a overly-strict parent. I shoved it away in rebellion, then looked down to where our legs were still touching.

“What if I climbed into your lap,” I said, climbing into his lap. “And kissed you until you forgot all about your silly ad?”

I lowered my lips to his and drank from him again. Kyle kissed me back without hesitation, his hands going straight to my hips. Straddling him like this, I could feel the cool night air on the insides of my thighs. My little red bandage dress was cinching tightly up along my legs, but I just didn’t care.

“You’re tempting,” Kyle murmured between kisses. “So fucking tempting…”

I kissed his face, his stubbled cheek, the sharp, masculine line of his jaw. Soft kisses. Sweet kisses.

“Then why resist?”

“Because we made a pact,” he murmured into my hair. His mouth was on my shoulder now. Kissing. Chewing…

I squirmed into him. A lump had formed in his lap, somewhere beneath the curve of my ass.

“And you can’t change your mind?” I cooed into his ear. I rested my hands delicately on either side of his face. Pulled back just a little, to look into those stormy grey eyes. “I can’t change your mind?”

Kyle sighed softly, breathing into my mouth. Our lips brushed ever so gently against each other. The heat between us was blistering.

“I’m sorry no,” he said. “I’ve given my word we’d try this.”

There was genuine sadness in his eyes. I was disappointed too, but at the same time, filled with an admiration that he could be this strong. This loyal…

“Give me your phone again.”

For five whole seconds he just stared at me, looking through me, into my soul. Then he shifted, and I felt the phone being pressed into my hand.

What the hell are you doing?

The screen was still on the ad. That crazy, crazy ad. I read it again and it took my breath away, even as he ground the not-insignificant bulge of his ever-hardening cock between the warm globes of my thong-covered ass.

“This… ” I said as I called up the Messages page, “is just in case I want to get in touch with you.”

I sent a text to myself so we’d both have each other’s information. In lieu of a message, I sent an actual screen-shot of the ad itself.
