Page 109 of Snowed In

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I shook my head. “I don’t feel smart. I don’t feel gorgeous either.”

And I’m not half as successful as you think… I thought glumly.

“Bullshit,” said Melissa. “You might feel that way, yes, but that’s only because you’re too hard on yourself.”

I knew my friend was doing her best to cheer me up. Right then though, I didn’t want it. I kinda wanted to be miserable. And I kinda wanted to just be alone. To think about Kyle…

She tapped the table with one painted fingernail. I could tell her mind was working again. “Still sure you don’t want me to set you up with one of Rich’s friends?”


“I mean, it probably beats throwing at the dartboard of some random dating site,” she reasoned.

“I think I’m gonna sit tight for a while,” I said. “Leave well enough alone. I’m way too busy with work anyway. Dawn’s been putting the screws to me with all this commercial advertising, and I’m supposed to approve a whole bunch of stuff before I—”

“Fuck Dawn. Fuck work. Fuck all that,” Melissa said dismissively. “You’ve got to make time for you, Sammara. You deserve someone. You deserve to be happy outside of your business.”

I nodded and took the verbal beating. Or rather, the parental pep-talk.

“Besides, Dawn’s not your boss, she’s your business partner.”

I let out a burst of laughter. “Someone had better tell her that.”

Melissa grabbed my hand and squeezed it. “No, Sammara. You tell her that.”

I looked up, and noticed her expression was suddenly serious.

“Yeah yeah,” I said. “I know.”



I read the ad again. And again. And again after that. And each time I read it…

It made me hotter and hotter.

My stomach knotted up at the thought of it — not one guy, not two or even three… but four guys. All to myself. All at the same time.

Same time?

I had to admit, the fantasy was appealing.

Yet in my heart I knew that’s all it was, a silly fantasy. I’d dipped my toes in the threesome pool before, back in college, when things were a lot more casual and responsibilities a lot less oppressive. But this wasn’t a Friday night threesome. It wasn’t even one of those raw, visceral gangbangs I’d watched on my computer, wondering the whole time how a girl actually gets herself into a situation like that.

No, this was real life.

In the end that’s probably what made it so hot for me, though. That it could actually happen. That there was this hot, beautiful guy out there — with three presumably hot friends — willing to not only share a girl for a night or a weekend, but to actually make her their permanent girlfriend together.


I read the ad again. Community Girlfriend. Wife Material. Long Term Only.

Stretched out on my bed, I let a little laugh escape my lips. The funny part was that I thought I could do it. That I’d actually be good at being a girlfriend to four guys at once. After all, I was the master of multitasking. And I could handle myself around guys, no doubt. I’d actually been told I was a little too much to handle, which would be perfect in this scenario because there would be four times the manpower to handle me anyway.

And my sex drive… well, that wouldn’t be a problem either.

My fingers slipped downward, over my belly, piercing the lace waistband of my panties…
