Page 20 of Snowed In

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I was placed in the middle of course. Being the girl it seemed only natural, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to complain. The guys had dropped off almost immediately, snoring blissfully on either side of me. Slogging through all that snow was wholly exhausting, and with Shane up front I knew he’d taken the brunt of it.

No, I’d never been around guys like this. Guys with muscles, and strength, and stamina. Guys who held contests to outdrink each other, or who competed in the Greek Week games of the bustling fraternity and sorority scene. The one event I’d watched on campus so many times from afar.

The men I’d always dated had been shy, geekier types. Matt, from our high school chess club. David, my prom date, whose only foray into the world of sports was a four-year stint on the varsity fencing team. Even my college boyfriend was going for a robotics degree, at least until he broke up with me for someone else who better understood his cosplay addiction. On one hand, dressing up was kinda fun. Dressing up for a con every other weekend though… not so much.

Still, I couldn’t say a word. I loved all of it, really. And that’s because, when it came down to it, I was a total geek at heart.

It began with my father, who imbued me with with a fierce, undying love of all dorky stuff. Movies, comics, television shows. From video games, to building scale models and painting miniatures, there was no end to the geeky things we did together. And yes, even Dungeons and Dragons. Hours and hours worth.

It was my father who gave me my first soldering gun when all my friends were still playing with dolls. Who bought me a chemistry set for Christmas, when all the other girls were getting makeup kits. I loved it all though, every single solitary thing. Since my mother had very little in the way of hobbies, his passions became my passions too. Except for skiing. As far as passions went, that was something we shared as a family.

And now look where it’s gotten you.

I stirred restlessly. Though my body was tired, my mind wouldn’t stop spinning. There was too much going on, too much at stake.

Besides, with two really hot guys on either side of me? It was nearly impossible to sleep.


I turned, startled, and Shane was staring back at me. He smiled, looking wide awake, and I smiled back.

“Hey yourself.”

“Warm enough?”

Beneath the sleeping bags, nestled between the both of them, I was almost hot. We’d taken off our coats and jackets, and our combined body heat had been more than enough to keep us toasty. Especially for me, being in the middle.

“Oh yeah.”

He leaned in and kissed me sweetly, giving me a tingle. I suddenly became very aware of his body, hard and magnificent, molded against me.

“We’re going to get out of this you know.”

It was meant to be reassuring. We stared into each other’s eyes, as we’d done back in the snow shelter. Back when he’d been inside of me, instead of next to me.

“I know.”

Shane shifted, and I felt a hand slide upward, over my leg, skin on skin. I’d wriggled out of my ski pants half an hour ago. Below the waist, I was nothing but legs… and panties.


The excitement of last night came flashing back. The sweet stretch of Shane pushing my legs apart. The exquisite feel of him sliding inside me…

He kissed me again, this time with more heat. Our mouths opened. Our tongues intertwined, sliding against one another, delivering to my brain shivers of pleasure and lust. Memories of ecstasy.


The voice in my head was right, of course. We couldn’t. Not again. Not with Jeremy sleeping right beside me!

The idea was ridiculous.

“Shane… I—”

The hand sliding up my leg found its way along my inner thigh. I gasped sharply as two thick fingers pressed insistently against my sex.

“We can’t,” I whispered, even as I writhed into him. My hand closed over his. But for some reason, I still couldn’t push him away.

