Page 66 of Snowed In

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Shane reached out for me and we locked wrists. I let him pull me to my feet.

“Come upstairs with us and we’ll show you.”



I was shivering violently, even wrapped in the cocoon of my sleeping bag. Tossing and turning and silently cursing myself for making such a radical stand.

There was a fire going downstairs! And beneath that, what basically amounted to a comfortable steam room. Yet here I was stuck on a frozen bed, in a frozen room, on the third floor of an ice hotel.

At least the checkout times were reasonable.

I laughed at my own bad joke, and my laughter came out maniacal. As I sat up for the umpteenth time looking for an excuse to go back downstairs, I realized with a strangled gasp that I wasn’t alone.

“Shit!” I clutched my chest, which had gone from resting to heaving in half a heartbeat. “You scared me!”

Shane and Jeremy were standing near the doorway, looking me over. They were probably warm. No… they were definitely warm. My body screamed at me to wrap the two of them around me like a blanket.

“Come downstairs with us.”

I wanted to. God how I wanted to! And yet… I just couldn’t.

“I can’t.”

A stream of curses went off inside my head. I was being crazy. I’d survived an avalanche, and I was refusing heat and warmth to make some stupid, dramatic, romantic stand. In fact—

Suddenly they parted, and a third figured stepped up between them: Boone.

“Yes,” he said. “You can.”

My heart leapt into my throat. They were standing together, side by side. All three of them.


“It was wrong of us,” Shane interrupted, “to make you choose. It wasn’t fair. And so we decided something, together, the three of us.”

I blinked in disbelief. The three of them?

“Obviously there’s attraction here. We’re into you. You’re into us. It happens. And it’s not just because we group-survived some dumb avalanche.”

My whole body started tingling. Suddenly I couldn’t feel the cold anymore.

“Maybe one of us even dates you after this,” said Shane. “Maybe not. Maybe this all ends when we’re rescued, and we go back to whatever lives we lived before that mountain split in half.”

Jeremy moved next to the bed and smiled. “Maybe whatever happens in the abandoned hotel stays in the abandoned hotel,” he joked. “The point is, right now? While we’re all here?”

He leaned down, putting his mouth close to my ear. He didn’t whisper, but his tone was noticeably lower and sulkier as he uttered the next sentence:

“Right now, you can have all three of us.”

There were several seconds of silence as his words sank in. When they did, my stomach dropped into my feet.


I wasn’t sure I’d heard him correctly. But in my heart, I knew I had.

All three.
