Page 67 of Snowed In

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“He’s right,” said Boone, stepping up. It was the first thing he’d said. I couldn’t believe he was saying it. “While we’re all stuck here?” His mouth turned up into a sly little grin. “You don’t have to choose.”

He leaned down, and in one swift motion scooped me — sleeping bag and all — into his massive arms. Then he threw me over his shoulder, like a caterpillar, and carried me downstairs… with Shane and Jeremy at his side.

The fire was absolutely roaring. Its bright, beautiful heat felt so good against my skin it was almost a religious experience. For a minute or two I just sat there, as close to it as possible. Turning my body whenever it grew too hot, to thaw out the other side.

Eventually I was seated comfortably on the soft pile of sleeping bags, my legs pulled up to my chest. My eyes followed the dancing flames, unfocusing hypnotically as my mind struggled to take everything in.

“So what changed everyone’s mind?”

Jeremy was stretched out beside me, propped up on one elbow. His once-sharp goatee was no less handsome now that it was stubbled at the edges, but his smile was warmer than ever.

“Well first, it occurred to us that we need to work together.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “That just occurred to you now?”

Shane chuckled from the other side of me. “Jeremy’s a little slow. Sometimes it takes a while for him to catch up.”


“No bullshit. You’re slow, bro. I’m sorry to be the one to have to tell you. Especially like this. I even—”

Jeremy bunched up a sleeping bag and threw it at him, but Shane ducked easily.

“What about you?” I asked, turning to face Boone. He sat behind me, so close I could smell him. His scent was delicious, reminding me of being skin to skin with him. It was making me dizzy.

“What about me?”

“You… you’re okay with all this?”

Boone scooted forward until he had one leg on either side of me. I shivered involuntarily as his arms slid smoothly around my waist. His big hands locked delicately over my stomach.

“Yes,” he said into my ear. “The way I see it, you need all three of us.” I sucked in a sharp breath as his lips closed over my neck. He kissed me there, and a bolt of lightning shot through my body. “And we need you,” he finished.

He kissed me again. And again after that. Each one was slower, more sensual. His hands opened and his fingers splayed. I gasped again as they moved, ever so slowly, up toward the underside of my breasts.

This can’t be happening.

I sighed as I settled into him. One of my arms went behind me, and the next thing I knew my fingers were tangled in a thick mop of silky hair.

No fucking way this can be happening…

Boone kept kissing me, lower and lower, his hands sliding up beneath my shirt. He lifted it, and then it was taken from him and pulled over my head… by my other two lovers on either side of me.

Oh my God…

I was undressed by six nimble hands. Laid out before the warmth of the fire, by six beautiful arms and shoulders.

Jeremy’s mouth closed over mine. His tongue was sweet as I welcomed it hungrily into my mouth. He kissed me lovingly, stroking my face, until Shane pulled me in his direction and our eyes met in the flickering firelight.

Then it was his turn, and he kissed me some more.


The voice in my head was very far away now. Lost in heat and lust. Drowned out by soft sighs, and the crackle of the fire.

Oh Morgan…

I was laid down gently, my head settled on a makeshift pillow. Someone was kissing my breasts. Someone else, devouring my mouth. Somewhere down below, I felt my legs being spread by two strong hands. I arched my back…
