Page 78 of Snowed In

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We surfaced together, sputtering and giggling, smiling and laughing. And we were holding each other now too. His dark, caramel eyes shone brilliantly against the pool’s reflective surface, locking onto mine as he leaned forward and kissed me through the steam.

Wow… just wow.

It seemed that every kiss of his was more electric, more sensual than the last. My attraction for him was growing on every possible level. Physically. Emotionally…

Damn Morgan. You’re in trouble.

“Did you fix the radio?” he asked, between lingering kisses.

“No…” I murmured softly. “But I’m getting close.”

“I’ll bet you are.”

He lifted me with his arms, pulling me into him skin against skin. I felt tiny and weightless. Lost in an ocean of sweltering heat and open-mouthed kisses.


Boone impaled me in a single deft movement. Sliding his hands gently onto my shoulders, he pushed me firmly downward and onto his cock.

I exhaled through clenched teeth. It came out as a seething but delicious hiss.

“Weren’t expecting that, were you?”

I rolled my hips, taking him deeper. It felt absolutely incredible.

“What? For you to be automatically rock-hard?”

“It’s not automatic. You make me this hard.”

I smiled sweetly and kissed him some more. It was so bizarre, doing this all so openly. At least for me. I was someone who generally shied away from public displays of affection altogether. And yet here I was, screwing some perfect stranger. Doing it wantonly, out in the open. With no regard for anything other than my own raging libido.

The water lapped at our bodies as we got off on each other. Boone held me pinned to his chest as I continued my slow rise and fall along the entirety of his hard length.

“You’ll get it working,” he said abruptly.

I was so far gone, I wasn’t even sure what he was talking about.

“The radio,” he whispered. “I have faith in you.”

He chewed my shoulder, and the flare of pain mixed with pleasure pushed me over the edge. I came hard wrapped around him, and somewhere in the heated depths of the churning waters I felt him fill me, hotly, from within.


It was intensely tactile, floating together in mutual climax. Boone’s arms crushed me against him, while my hands scratched and clawed at his skin. It ended with his face buried in my chest, me clutching him there as if he always belonged. Then my arms and legs began trembling violently; the byproduct of coming down from yet another dreamlike orgasm.

“You guys done?”

I whirled groggily and there Shane, floating beside us, holding his wounded hand above the waterline. He reached for me and I went to him, still reeling from having come so fully with Boone.

My body was shaking all over. I had no idea how long he’d been there, but something told me it had been long enough.

“Hi,” I said sheepishly. “I—”

Shane interrupted me with a long, sensuous, open-mouthed kiss. The kind of kiss that takes your breath away for half a minute, at a moment when I was still catching my breath. Then his strong arms wrapped around me, and I felt him slide inside… just like Boone.


Oh wow…
