Page 81 of Snowed In

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“You’re smart and you’re funny and you’re resourceful. You’re your own person. Best of all, you’re not the least bit shallow.” I held her gaze for a long moment before continuing. “Morgan, listen to me. You’re real.”

I watched as she searched my face, trying to sniff out the bullshit. Only there was none. I didn’t have to bullshit her. I already had her. Hell, I was inside her already.

My arms slid around her back and over her shoulders, giving me the leverage to push even further into her. I saw her mouth open, and her teeth part. A tiny gasp escaped her lungs, soft and sexy.

“I’m even a little jealous of Jeremy,” I said, “because I’ve seen the connection you have with him. You two are bonded over so many things in which I could never share. But at the same time? Remember that I chased you. I was the one who came down the mountain after you, Morgan. I was the one who wanted to get to know you better.”

She saw in my eyes that I was right. I think it emboldened her. She began screwing back against me, gyrating her hips.

“Now I can’t speak for Boone,” I went on. “But I can tell you Jeremy and I are both sick of the same shallow relationships, over and over again. For a long time I’ve been looking for someone different. So has he.”

Morgan shifted, rolling her body into mine. I could see her breathing growing rapid. Down below, she felt warm and swollen. Hot and wet.

“I know this all seems crazy, but the circumstances are crazy too,” I told her. “But now look at it from our perspective. We’ve been thrust together — three headstrong guys -- all forced to share the attention of the same amazing girl.” I smiled wide enough that she actually smiled with me. “Of course it’s gonna seem a little surreal. Can you really blame us for wanting and competing over you?”

She didn’t say anything, so I took her by the chin and shook her head back and forth myself.

“No. You can’t.”

I moved us to where the water was shallow. To where I could stand, and had leverage…

“Like I said, the choice is yours,” I smirked. I was fucking her harder now. Screwing her up and down, bouncing her off the full length of my dick. Her eyes glazed over, and I winked at her seductively before burying my face in her hair.

“I’m just trying to make it easy for you.”



Last night had been crazy, being so thoroughly taken by Shane, Jeremy and Boone. It had been frenzied between us. Feverish. A whirlwind of sex and lust and bare-bones debauchery, one that I embraced greedily as I was passed back and forth, teamed up on, and taken from all sides.

But this night?

This night was slower. Lazier.

Much more sensuous.

They took me again before the fire. This time they went one by one, the others kissing and touching me as I was rocked gently but firmly in our warm, sprawling bed of zip-up blankets and pillows. Jeremy went first, dragging his hot wet mouth over every inch of my body before entering me while on my back. I stared up at him wordlessly the whole time. From the instant of penetration to the penultimate moment where his body surged into mine, everything between us was communicated only with our eyes.

Few words passed between any of us. There wasn’t much left to say. We’d all worked hard during the daylight hours, almost to near exhaustion.

And so at night we spoke with our bodies.

You’d think I would’ve gotten tired of all the attention, bu

t it only made me hungrier. Even I was shocked at how far the limits of my own libido could be stretched and expanded. I rode Shane on his back for what seemed like forever, raking his chest with my fingernails as we finally came together. Then Boone fucked me again, this time with one leg up, scissoring me as I squeezed my legs to make things tight. His release didn’t come until I’d climaxed two more times, and the seductive smile on his face would be something I’d always remember.

We all finished satisfied and fulfilled, my pussy left a sopping wet mess. I took a great measure of pride in giving them so much pleasure. I was just one person and they were three, yet I was giving it back every bit as good as I got it.

This is all so unreal.

Unreal. That was certainly a good word for it. I lay there long after the others fell asleep, listening to the crackle of the fire and thinking to myself just how unreal the whole thing actually was. And when I finally slept, it was soundly, deeply. Waking up only when my body sensed it was nearly dawn.

I looked to each of them silently, studying the outline of their faces. Shane’s normally hard mouth was softer in sleep, making him seem kinder, gentler. Jeremy was somehow just as handsome as when he was awake. His breathing was rhythmic and beautiful, just like he was. And Boone… well, he talked in his sleep. Loudly. Sometimes very loudly. But to me, it only made him sexier.

I sighed, considering them all. Wondering if I would ever see them beyond the scope of this place, and if so, what kind of relationship I would have with each… or not have.

You do realize they only like you because they’re trapped here with you?
