Page 13 of Shared

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“Listen I’m sorry to bother you with all this,” I said when I was done. I’d probably just gushed for half an hour. “I feel like such a colossal asshole.”

“Save it” he scoffed. “You’re not bothering anyone.”

I sighed and accepted the fresh tissue he offered me. I had no idea where he’d gotten it.

“Your fraternity brothers already turned in. You probably want to go to bed.”

The rain outside grew louder. I could hear it pattering on the roof. Tapping against the kitchen windows.

“Then come to bed with me,” he said.

My stomach did a somersault.


“Sleep with me,” he said. “I mean, not with me. With me.” He shook his head again. “No, that’s not what I meant. I mean you’re obviously staying here tonight. With us. So stay in my room, and—”

“And sleep,” I smirked.

“Right. You take the bed and I’ll… I’ll take the couch.”

It was cute, watching him stumble. I let it go on for a little while longer.

“I’m not taking your bed,” I told him.

“The fuck you aren’t,” he said, rolling his shoulders forward. There was something extremely sexy about watching the competitive, football player side of him coming out full force.

“Why not just sleep in the bed with me?” I asked. “I’ve seen your bed. We can both fit. We’re both adults.”

“Can’t do it,” he shook his head.

“Don’t trust yourself?” I teased.

“Nope. Not that.” He rolled his eyes. “Well, that, but also Colin and Hunter would both drill me a new asshole if I did.”

I let my gaze shift to the living room. The couch was downstairs.

“But I don’t want to be alone,” I said, and I meant it.

He looked conflicted for a moment. “Fine. I’ll sleep on the floor.”

He got up, and my eyes wandered his body again. He was being incredibly sweet. The perfect gentlemen. I was grateful for that, but there was still a reckless part of me that wanted to throw myself into his arms. Let him take me upstairs and ravish me, any way he wanted, while the thunder crashed and the rain came down all around us.

Easy, Claudia.

It was only the beer talking. Or the loneliness. Or both. Either way, I chastised myself immediately.

“Alright fine,” I said. “I’ll take the bed, you take the floor.”

Brandon smiled and rose to his full, impressive height. Reaching down, he took my hand with surprising gentleness and led up me upstairs… to his bedroom.



I woke in a haze, unsure of where I was. Then I remembered.

Brandon’s room.
