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This isn’t something you should be—

She bucked as Hunter rolled her over, keeping himself inside her the whole time. I flinched at the movement, but thankfully they were facing the other way.

The girl cried out again as he spread her open. Her legs went to either side as he positioned himself between them, squatting on his knees.


They began fucking in earnest now. I saw Hunter’s broad, rippled back. His V-shaped shoulders, tapering down from his thick neck.

And his round, beautiful ass… thrusting forward as he drove himself into her. The muscles pumping and grinding, working hard just beneath the surface of his warm flesh.

I don’t know how long I stood there. In many ways, time stood still. I felt like a third party, all forbidden and wrong, witnessing something I wasn’t a part of but certainly wanted to be. The whole thing was hot… sexy… beautiful.

All of a sudden Hunter’s arms locked. He shoved his lover’s legs back, hands gripping her ankles hard as his ass came forward for one more thrust.

Oh my God he’s coming!


Hunter pushed forward one last time as he finally exploded. The girl beneath him whimpered softly, then cried out as he crushed his body against her.

He’s coming inside her…

I felt a stab of jealousy. I don’t know where it came from but it hit hard, right in the very pit of my stomach.

Look at that…

They remained motionless for a moment, reveling in what had to be the most intense, mutual climax. I envisioned his heavy balls, twitching, surging, pumping his seed inside her. I couldn’t move. Couldn’t even swallow. For the first time I noticed the aroma wafting out of the room; the smell of sex. The smell of—

A flash of lighting lit the room, and for a split-second I could see everything. Or rather, several things, gathered around the bedroom. Somewhat large things. Vaguely familiar things, only I didn’t have time enough to make them out.

Back in the renewed darkness, the muscles of Hunter’s back relaxed all at once. He released his hold on the girl’s legs, which were now trembling, and rolled over.

You should go…

The girl kissed him briefly, then sat up. In one graceful movement she rolled off the bed…

… and headed straight for me.


I backed up a step or two, then froze. There wasn’t enough time to make Brandon’s room. Not enough time to do anything!

The door opened and I froze, pressing my back to the wall. It was futile. There was no way I couldn’t be seen…

The girl stepped out — some breathtakingly beautiful blonde with long, silky hair

. But rather than see me she turned, crossed one leg over another, and sauntered her little heart-shaped ass right into the bathroom at the end of the hall.

Thank God…

I remained motionless as she closed the door. Then, for some reason, I pressed my luck. Peering through the bedroom door, I caught a glimpse of Hunter laying on the bed. He was gloriously naked, his spent cock slung limply against one leg. In the silver moonlight I could see his perfect body covered in a thin sheen of sweat…

I took a mental picture. One I could stow away for later, and pull back to the front of my mind whenever I wanted.

Then the toilet flushed.

Claudia, you asshole!
