Page 55 of Shared

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“Honey this is more than messing around.” I stopped before a particularly beautiful painting of a nighttime forest. The greens and blacks were astounding, contrasted against the blues and whites of a star-filled sky. “You’re such a jerk for locking your door!” I chided him. “This is nothing to be hiding from anyone!”

I knew how hard it must’ve been for him to keep this a secret. I just didn’t know why.

“Colin knows,” he admitted. “He’s seen me with a canvas or two. But Brandon—”

“Do you really think they’d judge you?” I asked. “Come on. These guys are your brothers! And really, look at this stuff. You should be hanging this in places where people can admire it. Not squirreling it away in some crowded bedroom.”

He folded his tattooed arms around me from behind. “Funny you should say that. There’s actually an exhibition this weekend, and I have four or five pieces on display.” He waved one hand dismissively. “It’s a silly University thing, down at the—”

“Dowling mansion?” I knew what he was talking about. They did it often. “That’s not silly Hunter, that’s actually prestigious.”

He squeezed me tightly and I melted into him. The stubble from his chin was tickling my neck.

“First time for me,” Hunter shrugged. “I was going to go see it tonight. Did you want to join me?”

I gasped and spun around so quickly his eyes went wide. “YES! Yes, of course I want to go with you!”

I felt overwhelmingly special. First he’d trusted me enough to show me his work, and now he was inviting me to his first art premiere. I couldn’t believe the progress.

“We’ll get dinner first,” Hunter murmured, his mouth so close to my ear I started tingling. “Then head over there afterward. Apparently it’s fancy. I suppose we’ll have to dress up.”

Dressing up was something I hadn’t had the opportunity to do in a long while. Between fixing up the house in throwaway clothes and Garrett not taking me anywhere, well… just like my sex life, it had been a while.

But also just like my sex life, things were looking up.

“Six O’clock sound good?”

He began kissing my neck. Chewing sexily on my shoulder. I sighed, throwing my hand back to sift through his hair as the arm around my waist tightened.

He has such good hands…

Hunter’s palm moved lower, sliding down over my thigh. I closed my fingers over it. Tried guiding him inside… between…

“You’re insatiable,” he chuckled. “You know that?”

I bit my lip and nodded. I wanted to be taken by him. Our arrangement fully consummated, right here, right now, on his unmade bed.

Instead he took his hand away. He spun me around to face him. There was a look of mischief in his eyes.

“Six O’clock,” he said sternly. “Right here. Got it?”


“Y—Yes,” I said obediently. “I’ll be ready.”

All at once he stepped forward, and his hand slipped between my legs. Hunter pressed his lips lightly against mine. At the same time, he pushed against my swollen mound with three firm, masculine fingers.

“You’re mine tonight,” he whispered. “The others might’ve had you, but just for tonight, you belong only to me.”

The strength and authority in his voice made me instantly wet. A shudder of intense desire ripped through me. My shoulders slumped in submission.

“Tonight I’m yours,” I repeated.

He smirked, kissed me, then ushered me out of his room. I was still in a daze as I heard the door close behind me. So preoccupied by the idea of fucking him, it wasn’t until I was downstairs again that I realized I’d left my coffee in Hunter’s room.

I shrugged, grabbed the pot, and poured a fresh mug. Down on the counter, a message flashed across my phone’s screen. One missed call.

I froze when I realized it was from Garrett.
