Page 89 of Shared

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He turned to hug Hunter… and stopped dead in his tracks. All the joy went of Brandon like a deflated balloon.


I suddenly realized the same thing he did: that all of this would take place in the fall. Colin and Brandon had one year of school left. But Hunter…

… Hunter was graduating this spring.

“Bro,” said Colin, turning to face their friend. “I’m sorry this didn’t happen sooner. I talked to the board though, and we can get your name on the application. You’ll still be a founding father, even as an alumni. Even though…”

He looked up at his friend reluctantly. But rather than disappointment, Hunter’s expression was all smiles.

“It’s all good,” Hunter said, hugging Colin hard. He gave him a back-clap that would’ve knocked most guys flat on their ass. “I appreciate it, but I don’t need that anymore. Omega Alpha was great, but when it was over, that was the end for me. I’m totally happy with moving on.”

“So are we,” said Brandon. He pointed to the water-stained floor. “Founding fathers or not, our first loyalty lies here.”

“And here,” said Colin, throwing an arm around me.

“Good to hear,” I laughed. “I was feeling a little left out for a moment.”

They pulled me in, forming a tight little circle around me like they always did. Brandon slipped an arm around my waist. Colin, over my shoulder.

Hunter’s hand slid beneath theirs, settling over my ass. He gave it an affectionate squeeze.

“You’re never left out.”

I sighed in contentment, feeling this enormous pressure slowly disappear. I guess I was lucky that way. Everything just had a way of working out.

“You know,” said Colin, looking around, “we could probably fix this place up pretty nice. Even better than the last one.”

“Yeah,” Brandon said, rolling his eyes. “If Claudia doesn’t put the doorknobs in backwards!”

“And if Hunter doesn’t pull a disappearing act every other weekend,” I teased.

“And if Brandon doesn’t eat us out of house and home,” said Hunter.

A silence settled over the foyer. Our foyer.

“As long as this comes first,” I said, nodding to our little circle. “We can do anything.”

Hunter leaned forward. He kissed me tenderly. Deeply. So did Brandon. So did Colin…

By the time they were done with me, I felt pleasantly woozy.

“We ready to go home yet?” I breathed.

“What’s the hurry?” Colin laughed. “Brandon already finished off all the pizza.”

I stepped in, cupping one hand firmly between his legs. The other I dragged slowly over Hunter and Colin…

“True,” I said with a smile and a wink. “But maybe pizza’s not the only thing that needs finishing off…”

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