Page 69 of Tinsel In A Tangle

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As he directed, she screamed his name. Her body coiled like a spring and then her world exploded in an array of tropical colors. Jake didn’t let up at all. He kept licking, fingering, leading her into another orgasm. The world disappeared, the island, the diamond, none of it mattered. The only thing that mattered was this man here with her. For as long as he wanted her, she’d be his. She’d always been his.

When the second orgasm began to wane he removed his fingers, climbed up her body and thrust into her. Hard.

And her third orgasm hit her.

Jake owned her, body and soul.

She’d lost track of how many orgasms she had before finally Jake was coming inside of her. But even then, he didn’t stop. Not until she exploded one more time.

This time, tears came along with her orgasm. She tried her hardest to blink them back, but it was useless.

“Ana, it’s okay, Princess.”

Jake’s soothing tone, his whispered endearments, made her cry harder.

Shit. She hated to cry. She actually prided herself on staying tear free during some of the hardest points of her life. He held her until she was all cried out.

“Feeling a bit better?”

She wasn’t sure, but she nodded anyway, her cheek brushing against his hard chest.

“Come on,” he said.

He pulled out of her and quickly slipped into his pants. Then he was right back with her. She wiped at her eyes and blinked back any remaining tears.

“Can you walk?”

Could she? She was boneless.

Jake didn’t give her the opportunity to answer. He bent down and picked her up in his arms.

“No,” she said. “I can walk.”

“I know.” He walked right into her small bungalow with no hesitation. “Bedroom?”

She pointed and he carried her down the hall. She braced herself, waiting for him to toss her on the bed. But the bounce never came. Instead, he lowered her gently to the bed.

“You okay?”

She nodded.

“Good.” He bent down and kissed her on the forehead. “I’m going to take the first shower, okay?”

He turned and left the bedroom.

Well, that wasn’t what she’d been expecting at all.

Chapter Seven

Sex with Ana never got old.

Hell, half the time, after just having her, Jake wanted her again. They shared their bodies several times per day, but at the moment, that was all they shared. She’d stopped sharing other things with him, and he didn’t like it.

He’d been waiting for the perfect moment to give her the diamond, but that moment seemed to be getting further and further away.

She spent the majority of the past two weeks at the big house on the island with him instead of at her small bungalow. Jake wasn’t sure how she hadn’t noticed that they’d been slowly turning the big house into their home. She’d been the one to pick out new furniture, she’d been the one to pick paint colors and new fabrics for the bed they now shared.

Though she still called it his bed.

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