Page 42 of A Cure for Love

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Smiling to herself, Lacey watched him, knowing full well that retribution would be very, very slow to fall on their heads. They could both wind Lewis round their little fingers.

As she watched the page-boy being comforted by his mother she sighed a little. A boy…a son would have been nice, and perhaps for her younger daughters that might be a possibility.

Look at Michael Sullivan, for instance. He was here today, a teenager now, and, while he would never be strong, while there would always be a risk, a danger, thanks to the research the medical authorities had been able to do, the donation of bone marrow and blood cells by adult male carriers like Lewis, in Michael at least the progress of the genetic disorder had been halted.

As she watched Lewis talking to the twins, she started to walk towards them.

Lewis watched her with love in his eyes. She had given him so much and so generously. As Jessica and Tom kissed and the cameras whirred and clicked he took hold of Lacey’s hand and whispered, ‘Have I told you recently how much I love you?’
