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A rush of endorphins swept through my veins, elevating my body temperature and the ache between my legs.

I whimpered, reaching up to weave my hands through his dark hair.

“How is she?” Malachi’s voice carried from somewhere behind us.

Nico pulled away to address him, leaving my tongue with numbness to it.

“Perfect--easy to control.”

“How much will that change that after tonight?”

“Debatable. Are you finished with her friends?”

Malachi scoffed and walked closer. I could see him now, just over Nico’s shoulder.

“That took me less than five minutes. The boy is dealt with too.”

My “friends?”

Nico turned his head back towards me a notable change in both his eyes, that seemed to be getting brighter. “We considered thanking your friend for making this easier, but he placed you in danger. You’re lucky we knew you were here.”

He untangled his hand from my hair and began to maneuver me backward. I was nothing but compliant, allowing him to sit me on the ottoman.

“Do you want to know what’s going to happen to him? That boy with the glasses?” Malachi asked, moving around the perimeter of the furniture to stand at my back. He gathered both my braids in his hands and pulled them towards him.

“Give her a hint, Nico,” he urged playfully, his gentle fingers beginning to unwind the plaited strands.

“Damian likes his type the best. They tend to scream the loudest as he disembowels them.”

I blinked, peering up at Nico unable to comprehend what he was saying. I only wanted him to touch me.

He gave me a smile full of malice and trailed his fingers over my lips.

Malachi released the last unbraided strands of white hair, allowing them to freely land halfway down my back beside the black.

Nico positioned me flat on my back so that I was staring up at him and his brother’s faces. The tufted velvet cradled my body like a cloud. He glanced from me to his brother.

“Are you both ready?”

Malachi reached down and retrieved something a dullish red color. He squeezed the end, triggering a springboard to loudly recoil as a wide blade with a blunt, sharp edge disengaged.

He looked at me with a closed smile. “Let’s begin.”

Bare skin and no pretenses, I watched from somewhere faraway as Nico and Malachi circled me, their primeval words lost in a translation that I should have understood, becoming a jumbled mess inside my head.

I felt hot, growing hotter as my pussy grew slick and practically throbbed with a need, unlike anything I’d ever felt. The invigorating scent of them flooded my lungs with each breath I drew.

Their naked bodies were solid and fit, every bump and dip of their abs definitive to the eye. Beneath blazers and dark denim, they were both covered in ink.

Symbols and more strange words seemed to be engraved into their tanned skin. Skin that was gradually being devoured by something black and inhuman, covering their flesh at a rate my eyes couldn’t track until only glimmers of what was beneath it could be seen.

Malachi suddenly stopped and placed an unnatural hand on my bent knee. “He’s coming.”

In perfect synchrony, he positioned himself between my legs while Nico leaned over my upper body and pinned me in place.


He covered my mouth with his, drawing blood with a stinging nip on my lower lip. He sucked it into his mouth and released a low groan, bringing forth another rush of arousal.

Malachi’s lips brushed over my ankle and moved higher, his tongue sweeping over the skin of my inner thigh when he reached it. The texture was like Nico’s, slightly abrasive and mind-blowingly pleasurable while numbing where he licked.

“Her scent is intoxicating,” he roughly noted as he began kissing his way to my apex, blowing on my heated flesh until he got to my pussy. “Such an eager little cunt.”

He ran his nose and mouth right through my center, breathing in deeply, collecting a puddle of my juices on the tip of his tongue as it glided between my lips.

I moaned into Nico’s mouth, gripping onto his forearms. He briefly pulled away to give a warning. “Be gentle with her.”

“Wouldn’t dare be anything otherwise,” Malachi replied, his voice deeper than it’d been seconds ago.

Nico returned his focus to my mouth, slipping his tongue inside. He sidled one hand down to grip my breast, rolling the hardened nipple with the pad of his dark thumb.

Malachi touched my ankle, before applying pressure to my inner thigh I couldn’t feel, testing how numb it was. When he sank the blade into my flesh, I didn’t feel anything at first.

Misery. Madness.

The words were imprinted with a brittle whisper. Nico’s kiss became more aggressive. Something wet moved over my ankle and began to pool around my foot.

The second I caught a whiff of the blood I became more aware of what was being done. Another voice came from in the distance, new and unrecognizable. I think they laughed, I felt them coming closer but could only see Nico.
