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Abella doesn’t talk much about her engagement, but I know she’s marrying a Sovereign Son too. I can only hope that he’ll make her as happy as I am.

A soft sound drifts up from the stroller, and Alessio edges closer, unable to resist himself. We both stare at our sleeping daughter in awe. Madalena Emilia Scarcello was born on a Tuesday, just after midnight. We named her after Alessio’s mother and sister. Even though she’s been here for six months, he still tells me often how much it means to him.

I never had any doubts that he’d be an amazing father because he already was, but Madalena has brought out a different side to him. He’s so gentle and attentive to her. Sometimes I want to cry just watching them together. Publicly, he’s still the same awkward, grouchy man that scares the shit out of everyone. At home, with our children, he’s a marshmallow on the inside. He takes care of us. He never lets any of us feel second-rate.

I couldn’t have asked for a better husband and friend. We juggle work and kids and Society things, and it keeps us busy, but at the end of the day, we always come back to each other. On the days when things aren’t always smooth sailing, we argue, and then we get over it and move on. It’s taken us both some time to trust that we can express our frustrations with each other, but we’ve learned to lean into the process. We hear each other out, and we deal with it together.

Next month, we’ll be renewing our vows in Greece. Alessio chartered a yacht for the occasion, and Nino can’t stop talking about it. It won’t be anything over the top. It will just be our little family in a beautiful place where Alessio and I will recite the promises we’ve made with new meaning. It’s important to him that he gets to do this over again. He still carries the guilt over his distance after our wedding, and this is his way of trying to make it right. It isn’t necessary because I’ve already forgiven him, and I tell him so often, but I know he needs this, so I’m happy to oblige.

He seems to be aware that I’m thinking about him as he wraps his arm around my back, settling his palm on my hip. He kisses my temple, lowering his voice so only I can hear.

“Thank you.”

I look up at him in question, and he regards me warmly.

“For being my wife.”

I kiss him back, and someone clears their throat. When we look up, the representative from IVI is arching a brow at us. He’s here as a witness for the ceremony of Madalena’s baptism. It’s something we were supposed to do after she was born, but we’re just now getting around to it. Alessio was raised in the Catholic church, but neither one of us are devoted members. He tells me it’s more about the ritual than anything. I could have said no, but I like the idea of our daughter being baptized. I wasn’t here for Nino’s, and that’s what today is really about. Family.

“We’ll be starting soon,” the representative tells us. “Where’s the godfather?”

Alessio checks his phone, but it’s not necessary. On cue, Angelo walks in the door with Nino at his side. They’re both dressed in suits, and Nino looks like a mini Alessio. I’m already plotting how many photos I’m going to sneak of them when Alessio speaks.

“There he is. It’s about time.”

Everyone turns to look at Angelo, including Abella. I anticipate that she probably knows him from The Society, but I’m not prepared when her mouth drops open, and she gasps. She brings a trembling hand to her face, rising from her seat as if she’s seen a ghost.


His eyes cut over her, colder than I’ve ever seen them. “Hello, Abella. Nice to see you too.”

The End.
