Page 47 of Nightwolf

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It’s just too easy, it’s just too good.

All that chemistry between us that we’ve been stockpiling for years is finally spilling out in the way that it always should have.

It’s how our bodies move and fit together, my breasts pressed up against his chest, the way he holds my neck, his other hand snaking around to grip my jaw, keeping me close. Last night I wondered if my body spoke to him in a language I couldn’t hear, but now I know that his body speaks it too. No words are needed, not here, not with us, not with this kiss.

“Baby,” he murmurs against my mouth and pulls back just enough, pressing his forehead against mine, staring at me with this primal gaze that makes my thighs press together in anticipation. His mouth is wet, lips so full and soft, and I try to lean in to keep kissing him because I never want to stop kissing him.

But he keeps a bit of distance between us, his breathing hoarse, his eyes glinting with determination like he’s doing everything he can to keep himself together.

“Please,” I whisper.

He leans in, just enough to brush his lips over mine. “Please what?” he asks roughly.

“Kiss me,” I say, my eyes closing, taking in his scent, the cool feel of his fingers, my pulse skipping against my skin. “Fuck me.” I pause, my eyes opening to meet his. “Claim me.”

Fire ignites in his pupils and he moves so fast that the world becomes a blur.

His mouth covers mine and he’s pushing me backward and I’m stumbling as I go. Then I’m pressed up against a tree, my hair tangling in the ragged bark, and his hands are roaming over my body, leaving fire and ice in their wake.

My jacket is pulled off, thrown to the ground, then my shirt, and I’m just in my bra. Wolf eyes my breasts like a starving man looks at a feast, then yanks down the lace cups of my bra until my nipples are free, immediately hardening in the chilled air.

His lips engulf them, sucking them in until they’re so tight I’m breathless.

“Oh, god,” I cry out through a throaty moan.

“Goddess,” Wolf murmurs against me, his hard tongue swirling around my stiff peaks. “Such a fucking goddess.”

He continues to lap at my breasts with his tongue, occasionally grazing them with teeth that seem so sharp at times I’m holding my breath at the idea of him biting me.

Then he brings his mouth up to mine, pulling me into a messy, wet kiss, while his hands roam down, down, down, between my legs. He grabs at the fabric of my leggings and there’s a loud grunt of impatience, followed by a distinctive tearing sound.


I gasp and look down. Wolf just tore my leggings in half, right up the crotch. Not just my leggings, but my underwear too. Just torn in two like a paltry piece of paper.

“What the hell?” I manage to say between breaths. Vampires should know their own strength.

“Buy you better ones,” he says as he drops to his knees, his big hands taking a meaty grip of each thigh and forcing my legs apart. Yeah, that was no accident.

I widen my stance, the tree providing support along my back, and stare down at the thick head of bronze hair as it positions itself between my legs. I reach for his strands, wrapping my fingers around the dirty gold, giving a quick, hard tug that makes him moan.

I grin to myself. I’ve always wanted to do that.

He tilts his head up to gaze at me, eyes simmering molten hot.

“I’m going to fuck you long and hard and rough,” he murmurs in a deliciously raw voice. “But not until you’re dripping down your legs. Got it?”

My heart beats like mad at the base of my throat and I find myself nodding.

Holy moly, that sounds like a challenge.

“I’m not sure I’ll be able to take you,” I find myself saying, and I’m too turned on to be the slightest bit bashful about it.

He gives me a small, wicked grin. “I’ll make it work.”

He flicks his tongue against his lower lip, just a hint of pink, before dropping further down, angling his head to wedge in between my thighs.

I inhale sharply as the cool, silken tip of his tongue makes contact with my wetness and I tighten my grip in his hair, as if to anchor me.

But the sensations are too much.

He buries his face in deeper, pushing upward, his tongue strong and relentless and I’m so turned on I feel lit up, like someone’s setting off a row of Roman candles along my spine, buzzing with lust and insatiable energy.

“Fuck, you taste incredible,” he says, his lips brushing against my clit, the vibrations of his voice shooting up inside me until I’m glowing and hot. “So wet and messy, like forbidden fruit.” He adjusts himself, and takes his time licking me with slow deliberation, like I’m that forbidden fruit turned into an ice cream sundae.
