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That was what I noticed as I walked from the bakery to the grotto, at least. Everyone smiled a little wider, waved a little more enthusiastically, and laughed a little louder.

It was… weirdly pleasant.

My Grinch persona was already melting away.

It was time for my transformation.

I was about to be a little less Grinch and a little more Griswold.

I was going to put that on a t-shirt someday.

I ducked through the curtain that covered the grotto entry. “I have coffee!”

Nicholas poked his head out of the door. “Thank God. Your niece is the cutest thing, but I can’t stand to hear anything else about Barbies today.”

I grinned and handed him a cup. “I don’t think you have a choice, Santa.”

He took it and wrapped his arm around me, drawing me close to him to kiss me.

“Not here!” I swatted his shoulder.

“Nobody else is here. Don’t be such a grouch. Aren’t you supposed to undergo some magical transformation tonight?”

“Funny,” I muttered as I gave in and let him kiss me. “Actually, it’s already happening. I’m in a pretty good mood this morning, as it goes.”

“That’ll be because you took a hundred bucks off your grandpa last night.”

“Hey! I won that money fair and square.” I set my coffee down and took the memory card from my coat pocket to put into the camera.

Mom was holed up at the bakery today using Debbie’s WiFi. She’d even hauled her photo printer over there and hooked it up.

She was going to drink coffee and eat cake between running the photos over here, she said.

“You did win it,” Nicholas said. “But fair and square? I’m not so sure about that.”

“Nonsense. I didn’t cheat.”

“He was drunk!”

“Oh, he’s always drunk. It’s when he’s sober that you should be scared.” I checked the camera and snapped a photo of the tree to make sure it saved to the right place. When it did, I nodded, set it back on the tripod, and picked my coffee back up. “Are you ready to get on the sleigh later and go through the square?”

Nicholas groaned. “That’s the one thing I’m not looking forward to.”

“Why don’t you see if Dad wants to reprise his role for the trip?”

“We talked. He said I’ve done such a good job that one, I have to go on the sleigh, and two, I have his permission to marry you and take the job permanently.”

I choked on my coffee. “I’m sorry, what?”

He laughed. “He was joking. I think.” He paused and his brows drew together in a small frown. “Although he did mention that Michael was better suited to trees, so maybe he wasn’t.”


My parents loved him.

Even Jazzy loved him after the unfortunate incident where she let herself into my bedroom and stumbled upon him half-naked.

Yes, don’t worry. We had a very firm chat about the importance of knocking.

Although we may have taken it too far since she now knocked on all the doors for no reason…

“My family is weird,” I said slowly. “You get used to them if you’re there long enough.”

Nicholas’s eyes twinkled. “At least you’re all together.”

I grimaced. “That’s true. I forgot. Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry. I’m more than happy to spend tomorrow with you and your family.” He put down his coffee and pulled me into his arms, and it was only my quick movements that stopped my coffee being crushed between us.

“I’m happy you are, too,” I said softly, resting my cheek against his chest.

He kissed the top of my head, and we both stilled when we heard a, “Knock, knock!” be called from outside the grotto.


I extracted myself from his arms and handed him my coffee, then poked my head out. “I’m sorry, we don’t open until—”

“Quinn!” My old principle, Mrs. Nix, turned around and beamed at me.

“Mrs. Nix.” I smiled and straightened up. “Is there anything I can help you with?”

“I’m so sorry to disturb you, dear.” She shuffled closer and looked around. “Nicholas White is your Santa this year, is that correct?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I replied slowly.

“Is he here now?”

“He is.”

“Would you mind terribly if I spoke to him for a second?”


“Give me a second. I think he’s getting changed, so you might have to come in. Do you mind waiting for a moment?”

“Of course not, dear. It’s quite warm today, isn’t it?”


No, it was not warm.

Not even close.

I smiled politely and went back inside, closing the door. “Nicholas?”

“What’s up?” He buttoned up his suit jacket. “Who was that?”

“Um, Mrs. Nix. Our old principle.”

His fingers stilled on one of the buttons. “Oh?”

His voice was a little too high.

Why was it a little too high?

“Yeah. She asked if she could speak to you.”

His throat bobbed, and he looked up. “Now?”

“No, in a couple of weeks.”

He relaxed again and rolled his eyes. “I can’t go out like this. Did she say what she wanted?”

“I can go and see if Mom needs anything and let you talk in here.” I threw on my coat and tugged my hat over my head.
