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“Did my mother tell you we are estranged?”

His mother again waved away her statement. “No matter. A mother is a mother.” She looked directly into Lottie’s eyes. “Forever.”

“My dear, I think any further conversation should be put off until tomorrow.” His father placed his glass on the small table alongside him. “I know I am fatigued from the journey here, and it looks like everyone else can use some time to rest. We can continue this conversation in the morning.”

He looked at Lottie. “I don’t wish to insult my new daughter-in-law but my dear child you look exhausted.”

Carter glanced at Lottie, who indeed did look as though she was about to collapse. “I believe you are right, Father.” Carter stood and helped Lottie up. His father and mother immediately rose as well, and they all headed toward the stairs.

Mother stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. “Good night, son.” She touched Lottie’s cheek. “And you too, Lottie.” Then taking Father’s arm she made her way up the stairs. When she reached the top, she looked down at Carter and Lottie. “The usual bedchamber, son?”

“Yes. Mother. The same one.”

Carter placed his arm around Lottie’s shoulders as they made their way up the stairs. “They use the same bedchamber whenever they visit. But if you want to change that, please feel free. This is your house now.”

Once he closed their bedchamber, Lottie collapsed on the bed. “I don’t believe it.”

Carter loosened his ascot and drew it off. “Which part of this unbelievable night do you not believe?”

“You are correct. The entire night has been surreal.” Lottie groaned as she climbed from the bed and presented Carter with her back so he could unfasten her dress.

They slowly removed their clothes, just dropping them where they stood, then climbed into bed and snuggled against each other. “I may sleep for two days.” Lottie yawned.

“Me, too.”

The next morning Carter left a sleeping Lottie in bed and joined his parents in the breakfast room. “Good morning, Mother, Father.”

He took the seat at the head of the table and poured coffee into his cup and took a sip. “Lottie is still sleeping. I don’t mind telling you that she was quite anxious awaiting your visit.” He reached for the platter of food in the center of the table and filled his plate. “Were you aware of Charles’s visit the day before yesterday?”

“Yes. The ninnyhammer! How dare he come to your home and denigrate your wife? When he arrived at our house yesterday and told us what happened, I almost blackened his other eye.” Mother in a fury was a sight to behold.

Carter grinned and traded amused glances with his father. They had both at one time or another felt the sting of her displeasure.

Mother laid her hand over Carter’s. “You might face some criticism from time to time, son, but please try your best to protect that lovely wife of yours from hearing it. Soon it will all die down anyway, and some new scandal will surface to keep everyone happily engaged in sordidness.”

“I am just grateful that we don’t live in the middle of London, where with the Season going on, things would be much more difficult for Lottie.”

“She seems like a lovely young lady, Carter.” His mother smiled warmly at him. His father nodded.

“Yes. She is. Lottie is kind, caring, smart, but unfortunately due to her restricted upbringing she is not familiar with the ways of the world.”

“I sensed that from my conversation with Mrs. Danforth.” Mother spread jelly on her toast as she considered her next words. “I must admit I was a bit taken aback when we learned you had married Lottie.”

Carter felt himself stiffen, waiting for the condemnation.

“Stop looking so angry, son. I have no intention of denouncing you for this. Every mother wants her children to be happy, and one of the best chances for happiness is to marry someone you love.

“It is obvious from the way you look at Lottie and how you defend her so strongly that she has stolen your heart.”

Carter nodded and smiled, thinking about Lottie and how much he cared for her. Had cared for her almost from the moment they had first met. “Yes. I just want her to feel loved and secure. That she can go about in Society—if she wishes—and not be made to feel inferior, since she had absolutely nothing to do with why she is being shunned.”

“You’re a good man, Carter.” His father cleared his throat. “Don’t ever turn your back on her like I did with your mother. As much as I love you, and have always loved you, had I been diligent enough in caring for your mother, she would never have had a reason to look elsewhere for affection.”

Mother patted the corners of her eyes and reached over to rest her hand on Father’s hand.

“Good morning.” Lottie entered the room, a vision in loveliness. She must have risen right after he left because she was dressed, her hair fixed, and looking ready to face the day. The glow on her face was something he hadn’t seen in a while.

“Good morning, my love.” He stood and embraced her, giving her a soft kiss on her cheek.
