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Unable to resist the opportunity to spend more time with her, he’d taken a chance that her expression or demeanor wouldn’t give their relationship away. But she quickly pulled herself together and said, “It is nice to meet you, too. What did you say your name was?”

“Henderson, ma’am. Hunter Henderson.” He had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from grinning. The flush on her face receded, and she was cool and remote, exactly as he’d hoped she’d be. “Are you enjoying yourself, Mrs. Smith?”

“Yes, I am, Mr. Henderson.” She turned to Louis. “I am a bit thirsty and would love a glass of lemonade.”

Louis bent his head. “Of course, my love. I regret I did not come sooner.” He took her hand and kissed it, smiling warmly. Emily looked as if she wanted to kick him in the shin.

“Don’t say anything,” Hunter warned as Louis moved away. “Just smile like you would at a stranger.” She followed his glance and saw that Louis had stopped to speak with someone, then looked back at the two of them.

“Your husband is very devoted to you, Mrs. Smith.” Hunter grasped her elbow and moved her slightly to avoid being run over by a man barreling through the crowd, waving frantically at someone behind them.

She gave him a sad smile. “That was my chance to get Louis away for a moment. He is always willing to play the besotted husband in public. I knew he would not pass up this opportunity to strengthen his image.”

Noting Louis had finished his conversation and was moving toward the refreshment table, Hunter took the opportunity to study Emily. Beautiful even in her Harvey House uniform, dressed as she was tonight in a formal gown, with her hair swept away from her face, curls cascading down her bac

k, she was stunning.

“I didn’t know you were going to be here.” She smiled at him a little too warmly for his comfort. If anyone took particular notice of Mrs. Smith and the stranger, they could be in for a difficult time.

“Can we walk, or will Louis be right back?”

“I doubt it. Now that he’s made the proper impression on you, I’m sure he’ll be much too busy to actually bring the lemonade.”

“Then let’s take a stroll around the room. In plain sight of everyone, so no talk starts.” He extended his arm and Emily took it.

Before they’d taken more than two steps, he glanced down at her, and his gut twisted. “What happened to your arm?” Plainly visible at the top of her long glove were black and blue fingerprints.

Emily tugged on the edge of the glove to cover the marks. “Nothing.”

He smiled at a couple they passed by, all the time wanting to punch his fist into Louis Smith’s face. “By the mere fact that you said nothing tells me how it came to be there.”

“Let it be. It looks worse than it is.”

“Do you have any idea how much I want to just grab you and run?” He tried desperately to pull himself under control. “First thing tomorrow I will visit the police and lay out my story. If they refuse to do anything, you and I will leave. Once Jeremy gets here he can take over the investigation. I will not allow this situation to continue.”

“Calm down, Hunter.” She cast anxious glances at a few people whose attention they’d attracted.

“You’re right.” He took a deep breath and attempted a smile. “I’ll still seek justice for my father, but not at the expense of your wellbeing. When you go home tonight, pack a bag with whatever you think you can’t live without.”

“What are you saying?”

“Get ready to run.”

Louis had been dangerously quiet on the ride home from the Ratchford ball. Emily knew from experience that did not bode well for her. She thought about making small talk to see what his mood was, but sometimes it was better if she remained silent.

Martin opened the door and Emily moved to step out. Louis yanked her back by her hair. “I’m going out for a little while. Be ready for me when I come home.”

She nodded and left the vehicle, her heart in her throat. It had always been bad when Louis came to her, but now that she’d felt such tender and caring attention from Hunter, the thought of Louis’s hands on her body made her stomach roil.

Hurrying to her room, she closed and locked the door,then looked frantically around. She pulled a suitcase from her closet and opened it. She was throwing things randomly into the suitcase when there was a tap at the door.

Oh God, not already.

She walked to the door on shaky legs. “Who is there?”

“Mrs. Smith. Is everything all right?”

Emily breathed a sigh of relief at the sound of Maria’s voice. “Yes, Maria, I’m fine. I have a headache and I am going to retire early.”
