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The rest of her testimony continued on, with Jesse creating a picture of a man so evil that he used his fists on a regular basis on this delicate woman. He brought out the fear and disgust Emily had suffered at her husband’s hands over and over.

With Jesse’s gentle probing, the jury seemed to garner sympathy for her run from Galveston. There was no way of telling whether that would help his case or not. But at least it had hopefully explained why a married woman would leave her husband and lie about being single.

“One final question, Mrs. Smith, and I will let you go. While you and Mr. Henderson kept company in Guthrie, were you lovers?”

She raised her head and regarded him. “No.”

Jesse had been very clever. Based on the way he’d worded the question, either he knew, or suspected, they’d made love since Louis’s death.

“No further questions.”

The judge folded his hands on the desk and peered over his spectacles at the district attorney? “Any re-direct, counsellor?”

“No, Your Honor.”

Hunter was a bit surprised the district attorney didn’t want to qualify the lover statement. However, since the judge had already ruled against his previous question about it, most likely Mr. Spencer had decided to let it go.

“Good. Since it is Friday afternoon, we will stop here and have a shortened session. Court is adjourned for the day. We will resume Monday morning.” The judge smacked his gavel and left the courtroom.

Immediately a buzz filled the area, women whispering together, several of them casting glances at Emily as Jesse helped her from the witness box. She looked pale, shaky, and flat out drained. It took all his willpower, but he waited for them to join him at the table. Emily chewed on her lower lip, and blinked rapidly.

He had to get her away from probing eyes. She looked about to fall apart.

“Let’s go,” he said as soon as Jesse and Emily reached the table. Hunter gathered up their notes and shoved them into Jesse’s satchel. Taking Emily by the elbow, he propelled her through the crowd, hoping Jesse followed behind.

Once they stepped out into the sunshine, Hunter relaxed. Emily still looked pale as death. He glanced over his shoulder at Jesse. “I’m taking Emily back to the hotel so she can lie down. I’ll see you at supper.”

Jesse nodded and waved him on.

Luckily Hunter was able to secure a taxi automobile, and they were entering the hotel within minutes. By now Emily’s entire body shook and she swiped furtively at her eyes. Hunter wanted to ram his fist into the nearest wall.

He pulled her into the elevator and asked the operator for the third floor. The slow ride seemed to take forever, but once the door to her room closed behind them, he wrapped his arms around her. “Oh, baby. Please don’t cry. It’s over now.”

Her quiet tears turned into sobs as she clung to his jacket lapels. He rubbed her back, then picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laying her gently down, he removed his jacket, collar and tie, and crawled in alongside her, enfolding her soft body into his arms. He murmured soothing words until her sobs stopped and turned into gentle hiccups.

Hunter brushed back the locks plastered to her forehead and kissed her silky skin. “Feel better?”

She took a shuddering breath and nodded. “I need a handkerchief.”

He drew one from his pants pocket and handed it to her. She wiped her eyes and blew her nose. “Sorry, I’ll wash this for you.”

He cupped her chin and turned her head to face him. Her eyes were red and swollen. The peak of her nose could light up the room. She worried her bottom lip, still taking shuddering breaths. Yet she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

And he loved her. Loved her so much his heart ached just looking at her.

“Sweetheart, you did a wonderful job today.”

“It was so hard.”

“I know. But it’s over now.” He studied her eyes as he lowered his head. Her lips were warm, soft, and sweet. He tasted the salt from her tears and swallowed her gasp. He nudged her lips open and swept in, teasing her tongue, the sides of her mouth, all the places he’d learned were sensitive.

“I want to make love to you.” His whispered words against her ear elicited a moan and a tightening of her fingers on his shirt. “I need to touch your skin, to feel your body underneath mine, hear you call my name as you shatter in my arms.”

“Yes.” She hissed the word. “I need that, too. I have to erase the ugliness. So much ugliness.”

His hand drifted up the side of her body, stopping to caress her curves and squeeze her soft bottom. Her breathing sped up as her fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. He made quick work of the fasteners on her shirtwaist, and helped her sit up to remove the garment. After she shimmied out of it, he tossed it to the floor.

Next came her corset and petticoats until only her bloomers, stockings, and camisole remained. Hunter stood and made quick work of his clothing until it was in a pile next to the bed.
