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Cade cursed and came to his feet, shaking the excess water from his hand. He shed his robe and padded into the bathroom to shower and rid his body of the scented oils which only proved to be a damning reminder of this afternoon.

As he stepped into the oversize shower with nozzles shooting water from all directions and overhead, he tried to get his mind back on work. He was in Cozumel, for crying out loud. There was real estate just waiting to be snatched up at a good market price.

With the economy in such shambles, he needed to act now so he could reap the benefits later. So many resorts were closing due to lack of tourism. He intended to get those properties before they looked like ruins and offer cheaper rates.

The timing couldn’t be more perfect for Stone Enterprises to go global and with Mona’s help, he and Brady were on the fast track to bigger things than they’d ever imagined. Well, just as soon as he told his brother.

Yes, he thought as the hot water pelted his whole body at once. The timing was perfect.

So why the hell did he choose this point in time to become sexually attracted to Abby Morrison?

Cade rested a hand on the tile wall and dropped his head, allowing the water to run down his face. His attraction was beyond sexual, though God knew he’d give just about anything to be with her.

Whatever he was feeling—he couldn’t even find the right term—was making him ache, making him miserable when he wasn’t with her.

A tight band of unease slid around his chest and squeezed at the thought of marrying Mona. He’d always thought of Mona as pretty and charming and all the other qualities that would make a good wife. But suddenly, or maybe not so suddenly, everything about her paled in comparison to Abby.

Cade flicked the knob and shut off the water. No amount of washing would scrub away the memory of Abby lying on her belly, the side of her breast mocking him as she groaned with delight from a stranger’s hands. He wanted to make her groan like that with his touch.

Nothing would erase the image of her with her head tilted back, her creamy throat exposed as he trailed bruising kisses down to the opening of her robe.

Cade slammed his hand against the wall, but even self-inflicted pain didn’t help.

He’d never, ever been in a position where he couldn’t handle his life, business or personal. And now the two collided like a fatal train wreck.

How the hell was he supposed to clean up this mess?

A soft knock at the suite’s door had him pulling a towel off the warming rack. Abby?

One part of him wished she stood on the other side of that door, the other wished she was tucked in her room trying to forget what had just happened between them. Yeah, right.

He shook off the image of the hurt in her eyes when he’d pushed her away as he went to answer the door.

A glance through the peep hole showed only the bellboy with his luggage.

Securing his towel with one hand, Cade opened the door with the other.

“Hola, Señor,” the bellboy greeted as he rolled the luggage cart over the threshold. “Señorita Morrison had these sent as well as this.”

Cade took the manila folder the man extended to him. “Gracias.”

After tipping the young man, Cade closed the door and sat on the edge of his bed to see what Abby had sent.

When he opened the folder, he was a bit disappointed to find his schedule for the duration of their stay as well as information on potential properties that were either on the market or rumored to be in trouble of closing.

What did he expect? A love note? What was this, junior high?

He scanned the schedule and saw where she’d slid in snorkeling for tomorrow morning before his meeting with a small, local real estate company.

Snorkeling? He had no idea she liked that sort of thing.

There was quite a bit he didn’t know about her, though. The idea that she might enjoy a little adventure appealed to him in a way that tugged at his heart.

Damn. His heart couldn’t get involved. That was unacceptable. He was just thinking with another organ, that’s all. He refused to believe anything else.

The adventurous side of him, though, looked forward to relaxing a bit with the ocean and a snorkeling mask.

But how could he relax when an image of Abby in a bathing suit, or God help him, a bikini, had been conjured up in his mind? And why the hell did she insist on dragging him into her research?

He tossed the folder behind him and dropped the towel. Seeing as how he had his own private pool just outside the patio doors of his “honeymoon” suite, he decided to go for a swim and cool off, so he slid into his trunks.

Cade had to admit, the suite was perfect for lovers. They never had to leave if they chose not to. They could still enjoy the beauty of the ocean, the crystal water and keep their privacy. He supposed Mona would like this place.
