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I was also more hung over than I thought possible.

I was riding the high of having given up my V-card to the guy I crushed on, and the disappointment of it being an uncomfortable, messy affair I didn’t recall much of. Once morning ushered in the bright light and queasy stomachache, he chastely kissed me goodbye on the cheek and ushered me out the door, saying he had football practice. He promised to call me as he shut the door, leaving me standing on the front stoop of the frat house.

Biting my lip, chewing the delicate skin, I made my way down the steps, scanning the mess of the night before. A few freshmen guys waved at me before two football players I recognized as Connor and Mateo yelled at them to get back to work. They were cleaning up cans in the yard, streamers, and even a few pairs of lacy underwear, dropping them into black trash bags. I wondered if any of them had one big enough for me to wear on my way back to my little studio apartment doing the walk of shame.

At least I was Ryder’s girl now, right?


That same night nine months earlier rehashing with exes…

Stationed outside the football stadium, standing next to my squad car, I watched inebriated college students weave through the crowd. I found a few violations to ticket but nothing serious. As long as they kept the peace, I wasn’t about to stop every single kid smelling of beer, enjoying the game and the whole college experience.

Our home team won the game, which was great except that meant the town would be on fire, celebrating their win. I would have to step up my DWI patrol. I was fine if they weren’t going anywhere, but I drew the line at getting behind the wheel of a car. Picking up my cell phone, I called Andy to give him a head’s up.

“Hey, man.”

Andy picked up the phone and the buzz of the bar crowd was loud. I kept thinking about the new brew he was working on and if he’d save me a batch. Andy was good people like that and usually donated to our PBA dinners with a few kegs of his craft beer.

“Heads up, home team won.”

He laughed, and in the background David yelled, “No shit, Sherlock.” I’d seen much less of David since he came back home. I guessed he was also busy with his lady friend and training for some local fifty-mile race in the woods. I’d stick with the pub 5k once a year.

“I figured as much, and to think I let my best barmaid have off tonight to go watch the game.” Andy sighed and I remembered vividly a short red-headed girl with nice curves. Remington Kennedy, young and definitely not my type, with more stars in her eyes than I knew what to God honestly do with. Andy mentioned once she was on her own and left family drama behind for a fresh start. He hired her right off the bus stop when she came in looking for a job. It was best I stayed away from her. I wasn’t in a place ready to commit to anyone, and she had the look of a lost puppy needing a stable home. I was a sucker for sad eyes, but I wasn’t good at taking care of them.

“I’ll keep an eye out for her.”

“Yeah, see that you only keep your eyes out, otherwise David is likely to stab you next time you come in.”

“What? With his twenty ways to kill a man from his service days?” I teased. Dave was the real deal, and if he didn’t like you, it was pretty clear where you stood with him from day one.

Andy sighed. “Leave her be, Evan.”

“What? If girls can window shop, why can’t I do it?” Taunting Andy was easy. I didn’t understand why those two were so overprotective of her and it wasn’t my business. She wasn’t my type, anyway. I also knew she wasn’t theirs, but it was none of my business. Remington Kennedy was adorable but safely tucked away in the Evan, do not touch box.

“Just…don’t, okay?” Andy muttered on a sigh.

“Yeah, all right. Tell David I said hi once he crawls out from behind his computer and Kiara’s bed.”

“Uh huh.” Andy hung up and I saw Kristen make her way through the crowd, hailing me.

“Hey, hooker.” She kissed me on the cheek followed with a hug. Kristen was good for being touchy-feely. We had history not yet fully filed away, and if she kept it up, I would have to adjust myself out there in public.

“What’s up, skank?” I teased her. Kristen laughed, poking me in the chest with her nail. Thank God for bullet-proof vests.

“Not much, we all came out to watch the game.” She waved behind her and I squinted to check the crowd.

“Uh oh, that means asshole isn’t too far behind.” I looked around behind her jokingly, and she pushed me back against the door of my squad car. Kristen was one of the few who could get away with shit like that. Our years of friendship preceded anything else—her boyfriend, though… Damien Hart and I had decades of hate between us based on the usual male pissing contest.

“Stop it. I wish the two of you could get over yourselves. Besides, Hunter took him to the car so he wouldn’t see you.”

“Great, now we have a contingent of people keeping us evenly spaced apart.” I thought about her new boyfriend, who was in reality anything but new. I knew it was time they finally got together, but still, I had to admit it burned. I wasn’t broken over it, but yeah, it wasn’t fun thinking that guy had something that kept her happy when I couldn’t during the time we had been together.

“No, we just know Demon gets a little…” She waved her hand in the air, making crazy circles.

“Yeah, I know, he’s woo-woo-crazy, and I’d really hate to have to arrest him again,” I drawled, reminding her of our last encounter.

