Page 17 of Rescue Me

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“No, because I was mugged walking home a month ago and now I feel broken inside. I’m only working at the Dollhouse serving drinks because my rent is behind.” The defeat in her voice gutted me. I would get back to the details of the mugging another time.

“What happened to the audition?” I pulled the car over, carefully gauging her reaction.

She looked up, black makeup streaked down her face like claw marks, marring her pale skin. “My knee was swollen to the size of a grapefruit and I was s-so afraid.”

The stutter did me in. This wasn’t a I’m cold because we’ve been standing in the snow stutter, but a I’m terrified because some asshole attacked me. I didn’t know if I was making it worse by forcing her to talk to me about it or not. Turning my palm up, I left it there for her smaller hand to slip into across the console of the SUV. When her hand joined me, I gave it a gentle, and hopefully a reassuring squeeze.

“You don’t have to be afraid anymore.”

“Can you please just take me home?” She repeated her address which I didn’t need the GPS for since her place was my usual work patrol. I drove on autopilot realizing I brought her to my place and not hers. I felt like an idiot.

“Let’s go inside, Tempest.” She looked up at my building and didn’t question or argue. Instead she followed me inside huddled into the corner of the elevator, trying to compose herself. We were about to be shut inside, when Mrs. Beecham from across the hall followed, holding her Corgi puppy, giving me the eye.

“Late night, Joey?”

“Mrs. Beecham,” I replied politely, praying she would keep her mouth shut and leave Tempest alone.

“He’s a good boy, honey, and if he gets fresh, you can come knock on my door across the hall. I’m in 5B.”

The elevator took us up quickly and Mrs. Beecham walked out first to her apartment. Now I felt like a jerk bringing her here, but there was nothing to be done about it now.

I opened my door, letting Tempest inside, hoping she wouldn’t bolt. Locking the door behind me, I left the keys on the side table and went to the kitchen. Tempest stood in the dark living room, wearing black against the moonlight from the window and looking like some avenging angel from television ready to swoop down and kick ass. And if you didn’t know her, you wouldn’t even see the slight shake of fear she tried so hard to hide from me in the car. I pulled drinks from

the refrigerator, a good Spanish beer, handing her an open one when I got the top off. It was either that or we could eat the leftovers my mami sent over. My bachelor pad was barely furnished and work kept me in the depths of unopened Ikea boxes.


We both took long drags of the beer, standing awkwardly silent in my living room near the kitchen bar counter, watching each other warily. I figured this was a good time to take a risk and jump off the bridge with my feelings for her. I didn’t know when I might get another opportunity.

“I should probably come clean and tell you that I’ve been hoping we could have met up together for a date, but it didn’t seem to work out before, and now I’m worried you’re going to think I’m an asshole like my brother’s friend tonight.”

Tempest drank the beer down, finishing it and placing the bottle on the counter. She had to step close to dispose of the bottle and the movement had her lush breasts brushing against my arm.


Our eyes met and I finished my beer, letting the glasses clink together.

“I can’t guess how you feel about me and I won’t push you to do something you aren’t ready for.” I watched her throat bob swallowing whatever words she was going to say and my chest felt heavy.

“So then let me show you.” Tentatively she reached for me, hands on my cheeks and pulling me down to meet her face. Our lips shared a breathy sigh.

“Are you sure about this? I just gave you alcohol.” My inner self warred with letting Tempest do this.

“Oh, shut up and kiss me already. I feel like I’ve been waiting forever to have your lips on mine.”

That was all the answer I needed.

“Como quieras, mi niña hermosa.” I wanted to give her anything she wished for, my beautiful girl.

She stepped closer to me as a shiver racked her body.

“I’m so cold, Joey.”

“Come with me.” I took her hand, much smaller in mine, and led her into my bathroom. There would be plenty of time for kissing and exploring, but I was afraid she might be experiencing shock of some kind. I turned the hot water on in the shower and let the room fill with steam, fogging the mirrors.

Tempest turned away, slipping her top off before looking over her shoulder, surprising me. “The shorts have a zipper. Can you help me?” Her hips wiggled drawing my eyes down her curves appreciatively. She had starred in a number of my dreams since I met her.

I nodded and let my hand cup her waist, pulling her in close for a second to kiss the spot on her neck between her ear and shoulder. A whimper escaped from her lips. I tugged on the zipper and pulled the shorts down with her underwear and stockings. I helped her step out of them as she toed her heels off. Standing up, I let my nose trace up her firm backside. Muscles from years of dancing graced her elegant body. There was strength in her fragility that went deeper than the physical, and I wanted to touch that part of her intimately.
