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“Kids.” He says not affected in the least.

“Well, aren’t you nosy today.” I mumble.

He drops to the mat and does twenty push-ups in succession before I can answer. “What do you have against them?”

“Nothing. I love them. I love Maisy. Wait, why are you asking me?” I’m confused. Why would Jax Holden, gym owner and personal trainer be asking me this? Surely, he isn’t thinking about kids, is he?

“Because at the dinner you said you didn’t want any. It’s been bothering me.”

“Is that what I said? That was…that was weeks ago and you’re thinking of that today?” I try to remember my exact words but all I can see in my head is Jax holding babies and babies clinging to his oversized Hulk arms.

“No, not word for word. I’m just curious.”

I go with honesty and watch his face fall like every other man I tried to date who came after my ex-husband. With a deep sigh I truthfully say, “It was hard when she was a baby and then the cancer seemed to isolate us in this untouchable place. It’s been the two of us for so long that I couldn’t imagine more. ”

“That must have been really painful, and lonely.”

“It was. It still is at times, but I have Piper and now Milo and the twins.”

“Right. They do make life interesting.” Jax moves out and crouches down like he’s going to pounce. I think about a counter move.

“Of course.” My eyes track his movements as he’s taught me to do. I stand my ground on the mat assuming the position. His eyes glint as we stand off.

“Let’s go little warrior. You getting tired yet?”

I roll my eyes. “Never.” It’s a bold lie. Jax pushes me to my limit and just beyond. I’m exhausted but something about

his coaxing makes me want to give more than a hundred percent each time we spar. I go again forcing myself to concentrate on the counter attack he’s been teaching me.

He’s taken to calling me that each training session. It took about five minutes to grow on me and now I look forward to when he says it.

“Slacking…” He taunts.

“In your dreams big guy.” I move fast and low and manage to offset his balance enough to take him down. Jax rolls into the move and we grapple in the take down. As usual he covers my fall, but I best him and roll over to sit on top of him in victory.

“Just like movie night, only better.” He smirks.

“Huh, I feel asleep.” I poke his chest and he grabs my finger moving my hand out of the way for the roll I anticipate.

“I’ve definitely dreamed of something.” Jax rolls again this time pinning me to the ground with a grunt. He weight presses down and it feels so good.

“Jax.” I’m breathless laying here with him now on top. I like this maybe more than I should.

“I’m going to kiss you. I’m going to devour you like I should have while we had those stolen moments on the couch.” His elbows rest on the mat as his hands tangle in my hair, thumbs press on my cheekbones lightly holding me in place as if I were going to run off somewhere. Doesn’t he realize that the only running I’m bound to do would be straight to him? This is the moment I make it clear to him.

“Okay.” I grab his shoulders pulling him down. I’ve never been the aggressor, but Jax makes me feel like I can fight for these things, like I’m his equal. I don’t know what else to say except his lips on mine feel like all the butterflies in spring have found my stomach. It’s sweet and unexpected. Our lips part together and his tongue seeks out mine. We sway into it grinding against each other building friction as we wrestle on the floor neither willing to concede. I’d like to think that at least for today, I bested his body. Jax Holden, however, bested my emotions, my heart, and my soul.



“Dinner.” I match her movements between light kisses I don’t want to end.

“Yeah, I’d like that.”

“No Pip. No Milo.” I gruffly hold her face to mine eyes locked in.

“They can babysit for a change. I can ask Milo to pick her up. It’s kind of their thing since the hospital is so close to her school. ”
