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I push myself off the ground. I don’t want the contact to end, but if I don’t get off the floor, this is where I’ll likely make love to her the first time and she deserves better than a gym mat.

Milo happily agrees to pick up little wonder and I send Diana off to the locker room to shower. We’re ready in record time and out of the gym headed to a Cuban restaurant that serves the best Mojitos I’ve ever had.

We’re seated in a secluded corner where I get to hold her hand and watch the candlelight play with her blonde hair.

“I like this, you know.” I finger the lock of white hair that rests on her shoulder.

“My old lady tail?” She smirks.

“Well, if you want to role play a cougar, I’ll bite.” I bring her hand to my lips and graze the skin with my teeth teasing her.

“So you’re one of those I need to worry about?” She snatches her hand back.

“Just what kind of nonsense has Piper been feeding you?”

“Oh a little of this and a little of that.” Her shoulders bob up and down and I growl tugging the lock of hair I’ve grown fond of.

Testing her, I ask. “And are you scared little warrior?”

“I think I can take whatever you can dish out, Mr. Holden.” Her little nose scrunches and I like the challenge. I’m an open-minded man and I like my sex with variety, but nothing weird. Although, in this day and an age weird seemed to be subjective and if she wanted to role play or partake in a safe spanking I was game.

“I like it when you call me that, but maybe we should save that for another time.” I reach for her hands again just simply enjoying the moment with her. We’d have time enough to for the other stuff when we got to it.

Diana clears her throat and resumes a safer line of conversation instead. Admittedly I’m grateful because the hard on I’m sporting under the table is damn uncomfortable and sucking rational thought from my mind.

“I didn’t know you got an MBA.” Diana teases between sips of her drink and chewing on the mint leaf.

“What, you thought I was another dumb jock?”

“No, of course not, but Piper did peg you as a bit of a player.” She giggles and it’s the first time I’ve seen her let go completely and be carefree.

“Jesus woman, we’re going to need an Uber to get home if we drink anymore.”

She bites her lip and glances at me coyly, “I don’t want to drink anymore. I want to…”

We’re interrupted by a shadow cast over the table. I see Diana instantly retreat.

“Well, if it isn’t my slut wife and her thug boyfriend.”

“Allen, what are you doing here?” Diana cringes in the corner and no fucking way will I put up with this.

“Listen up asshole, I’m about to show you how much of a thug I am if you don’t get the fuck out of here. You’re ruining our appetite.” I see the manager and hostess making their way to us from the corner of my eye.

“Sir, please.” The manager attempts to get between us but the poor kid can’t be more than twenty years old with his shiny skin and red bumps on his forehead. If anything this kid is going to get hurt intervening.

“Maybe you like washed up moms. She definitely wasn’t the putting out type if you get me. Cold fish is what she is.” Her ex sneers. Diana gasps and I’m this close to nuclear meltdown but I know if I throw the first punch I’ll probably kill him and that ruins my plans for having a happily ever after with Diana. Not that I don’t want to bash his head in, but I did enough brawling in my twenties to know it’s not worth it.

I push the manager behind me and get in douche’s face nose to nose growling. “Well, we all know what a spineless shit you were abandoning your kid which says more about you than it ever could about my woman.” Yeah, I went there. “A real man takes care of his responsibilities instead of running like a scared useless little fucker.”

“I guess you like it when they lay there quiet and dead.” He can insult Diana’s sexual prowess and it doesn’t change anything. He’s got nothing on her and he’s knows it so he attacks what he thinks will hurt her the most.

“I don’t argue with stupid. Stop stalking her because next time, I won’t let you walk away with your legs intact. This is your last warning.” I dismiss her ex-husband completely pretending that his existence doesn’t affect me. I won’t feed into his idiocy. I turn to the manager knowing that giving this prick my back is a stupid move, but it also says I don’t give a fuck because I know he can’t do shit to me. “If you want to work out anytime stop by my gym.” I hand the kid my card and money to cover our drinks.

“Come on beautiful, time to go home.” I’m stone cold sober at this point so driving isn’t an issue. Diana looks wrecked and I want her as far away from this as possible.

I won’t have her tainted by the air that pond scum breathes.

