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“What’s his angle?”

“He wants to see Maisy.” Natalie nods and I continue explaining, “I said no.”

“Why? After all this time? He doesn’t even abide by the agreement that’s currently in place.”

“I know. He doesn’t call at the scheduled time either. We last spoke a few months ago when I asked him to help pay for the outstanding treatment costs. He refused so I let it go figuring no contact was better than the hassle of dealing with him.”

Natalie bites her pen. I’m grateful she hasn’t asked how I managed to pay it. I’m practically drowning under the second mortgage right now that feels like pocket change instead of a looming boulder when I know my daughter is healthy and happy.

“And now out of the blue he’s calling your work number.”


“I don’t like this, Di. We need to monitor this and make a motion with the court to revisit the agreement he hasn’t followed to date.”

“Are you sure? I mean what if he changed his mind. What if he wants that time back?”

“He can’t demand retroactive visitation. You haven’t done anything wrong. He never visited her in the hospital, and he certainly hasn’t followed the Wednesday nights and Sundays for visitation which he is currently allowed. He’s virtually a stranger to Maisy now.”

“My poor baby.”

“Yes, but I’m worried about you.”

“I can take more work home if I need to.”

“Diana, this isn’t about your work performance at all. Forget about briefs and paperwork, this is about Allen trying to jump back into the picture and I’m worried about my friend.”

My face heats up thinking about the situation. Natalie has been wonderful, the best, and here I am dumping my problems at her door all over again.

“I’ll be okay.” I stand up ready to forget this whole day from the start and have a do-over.

“You sure?” She deadpans me.

“Yes, boss. Let me get back out there before reception starts packing up my desk for insubordination.”

Natalie laughs, “I’d like to see her try. She’d have to get through me first.”

“Thank you.”

Natalie gives me a stern look. “I mean it. You tell me if he escalates his behavior and the motion is filed in a heartbeat.”

I nod and make my way back to my desk and my pile of paperwork to tackle. Joelle sits up front as I see her slide her phone back into her purse. She’s a hypocrite and a witch.

I’m looking forward to picking up Maisy, making dinner and heading to bed early. I wouldn’t trade this life with her for anything. My cellphone buzzes with a text message and a pit of dread settles in my stomach.

Piper: Hello best friend in the world! Just a friendly reminder about your date tonight!

“Shit!” I screech earning another scathing look from Joelle. This is the last thing I want to do.

Me: Piper… I’ve got to handle this brief for Nat.

Not a complete lie, my pile of paperwork does look daunting.

Piper: Too bad. I’ll text Natalie and let her know. BTW I’ve already dropped off the dress. It’s hanging on you bathroom door. And Milo is leaving early to pick up Maisy for their ice cream date. He’s soooo excited.

Well hell. I couldn’t ruin the night for Maisy and I was so grateful to Milo. Resigned, I text her back.

Me: Looking forward to meeting him!
