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If only that were true, I would have much rather had dinner with Jax, but that was never going to happen because I didn’t have the guts to cross that line or Piper. Besides, he could have any woman he wants that comes with less baggage than the storage container of drama that chased me.



Piper marches in a waddling pace back and forth in the weight room chewing her lip. Her energy turns up the temperature in here by at least ten degrees. I wipe my hands on a towel; take a deep breath, and lean back to press the barbell up over my chest. My spotter, a young kid named Sam stands back for a second.

“It was the date from Hell. Can you believe that cheap asshole?” Her hands wave in the air and poor Sam ducks out of her way. “He doesn’t even take her somewhere nice and I let her borrow my rose gold silk dress which honestly looks better on her than me because she’s got gorgeous boobs.” I shut my eyes trying to block the unhelpful image as I push the bar up and down.

“Pip.” I grunt but she doesn’t stop.


“Cheap fucker!” Piper keeps up her ramble a mile a minute grabbing one of the towels I had yet to use. It’s hard to keep up with her on a normal day.

“Sam can you go check the towels up front.” He scurries away on my bullshit task escaping Piper’s wrath. Kid is lucky I like him.

My gut burns with jealous rage thinking about the one I can’t have. The one I’m under threat of dismemberment to even fantasize about when I’m home alone on a Thursday night. Too bad Game of Thrones isn’t on. I could use the distraction and the violence to work out my angst over this.

“Jax, you have to do me this one solid. Train her. Make her kick ass next time.” Next time. Piper resumes her frantic pace while rubbing her back. I didn’t want to think about her going out with some guy, any guy next time.

“Make her kick ass, huh?” I catch my breath following the conversation.

I wasn’t supposed to fall for Diana Valentine. Too bad that happened a long time ago. The only reason I left her alone was because a guard dog in the form of a brunette Chihuahua named Piper Jane Scott was standing in my way. Now that she’s married to Dr. Milo Lazare she’s been on a mission to marry her sweet friend off, to anyone but me.

I pretend to misunderstand Piper so maybe I’ll get more of the story. “So tell me more about why I’m supposed to be training her.” I do another set of bench presses and Igor comes over to spot me. My shoulders and pecks burn as I set the bar into the rack on the last set. Igor nods knowing I’m done here and goes to help a newbie on the other side of the gym leaving me to verbally spar with my best friend.

“Because she’s dating jerks.”

Let’s just say I was not in favor of this idea one bit. Don’t muddy the waters. Don’t shit where you swim. Don’t cross the streams. Every time I strayed, I got the side eye from Pip telling me not to want Diana or look at her and each time my eyes wandered further and further under her spell.

“Didn’t you set her up on this date?” I ask borrowing trouble.

“Don’t be mean, Jaxon. You’ve met Diana before. She needs a little nudging in that department.” Piper mumbles and I keep up the ignorant pretense so she doesn’t smack me with the towel that’s being twisted in her nervous hands. Who could forget the pocket size blond bombshell that looked like a stiff wind could knock over.

“We have? When?” I tease.

Piper is convinced I have a type, but I don’t, not really. Drink protein shakes and suddenly everyone thinks you’re into a certain body type and level of intelligence. If I had a type it would be nice, not the blown up boobs in a plastic body that come sauntering my way in and out of the gym. I’m not into dolls, I’d like a real woman with goals, but my dating resume leaves a lot to be desired.

“At my wedding, remember Diana? She’s a mom and totally off limits. I’ve known her forever.” My best friend from kindergarten and the closest thing to a sister practically growls at me. I don’t know who is more moody right now, but her pregnancy is kicking both our butts. I could really use a mint milkshake right now, the only problem is that the sympathy weight gain is affecting my workouts and I have body building competition soon.

“Piper, I’m not an idiot. Of course I know of Diana.” I tap my forehead.

Ah, Diana.

Diana was the girl destined for other things. The shy blond girl who went to parochial school fueling my adolescent dreams of plaid skirts, pig tails, and knee high socks until a certain pop star ruined that image. Somehow, Piper managed to keep us separate all these years so I only had glimpses of her few and far between. Not that it was hard to do considering I didn’t bother with girls until college. Will and I were super focused on our athletic scholarships and by that time I recalled Diana was already dating some guy she ended up marrying right after high school.

“Don’t look at me like I’m crazy because I’m harboring a life sucking thing in my body.” She stomps her foot. Legitimate foot pounding the padded mat in angry stomps. Her eyes narrow and I bite my tongue. I put my hands up letting her know I give.

“Alright, Uncle.” I concede taking the towel from her hands and use it to wipe my face off.

Piper huffs rolling her eyes telling me more while I get the weighted punching bag set up. “She had a bad date with this guy I set her up with and now I’m paranoid. I feel awful. It was supposed to work out. This is all my fault.”

“What was supposed to work out?” I ask not realizing I spoke that part out loud.

“The date. I thought he was her type. They would have been perfect and made cute little babies.” I grind me teeth. Thinking about Diana and babies killed my libido. I liked kids well enough and her daughter was adorable at Piper’s wedding. I think the idea of Diana and someone else sours the image for me.

“Piper, you’re meddling.” I land the first punch softly testing the bag’s set up. It swings wide so I stand in between the bag and Piper protecting her from getting wacked with the punching bag accidentally.
