Page 20 of Branded (The Club)

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“Langley.” When I called to her, she turned her head, a mischievous grin making the corners of her mouth crease upward.

She said

nothing except to turn back to the window, watching the horses as I watched her. Blackjack nuzzled his mare, and they bobbed their heads, dancing.

“Are they always like that?” she asked.

“Like what?” I possessed the skill to make her scream and come until she lost consciousness, and still I couldn’t tell what made her tick, not completely.

“So free?” Ah, she meant the horses.

“Not always. Sometimes they require a harder hand to settle them into their life.”

“Or a softer one.” The words murmured between her pink lips.

“Yes, a soft hand has its place.” I stood behind her and let my hands fall to her shoulders and then slip down to rest on her waist. I didn’t know who made the first move; she stepped back or I stepped forward. It didn’t matter because we were flushed against each other, heat combining and fanning a dangerous flame between us.

“I have to go.” Langley leaned back turning her face from mine. Her bag was packed and in my truck, but I was tempted to toss it out.

“Do you?” I asked wondering what I could offer her to stay but realizing how much I just wanted her to want to.

“I should but–”

I cut off her words reaching closer, I kissed her neck grazing the skin with my teeth to bite her gently. Mark her one last time. I sighed into the setting afternoon sun. Keep her.

“I don’t want you to go,” I told her honestly because I believed the truth between us was critical now more than ever. In all these years of my arrangements with willing submissives, Langley was the first–the only one I wanted to submit to.



“What are you doing?” Sloan lowered his body skimming along mine downward until he ended up on his knees in front of me. His blue eyes darkened and pleaded with me.

Clearing his throat he spoke, “I’m asking you stay.”

“I don’t know that I can be what you need all the time.” For a moment, my insecurities flared within and my mother’s spiteful voice echoed that I wasn’t good enough. I struggled to submit during the last thirty days, at times feeling like a failure.

However, I reminded myself that as the days passed, I spoke less frequently with her and gained more confidence able to submit more of my free will into Sloan’s care and capable hands. Grateful for the respite and criticism, Sloan helped me blossom into who I was supposed to be on my own.

“I don’t know that I need that all the time. Maybe I’ve found the one person I can give more to, give my submission to.” His hands gripped my waist and pulled me closer to him. Never had Sloan been on his knees for me. It was almost funny when I thought about our arrangement.

Underwear had to be earned. Living at the Rocking Star Ranch left me completely at his mercy, and yet I had agreed to be here. I came of my own volition, allowing Sloan to push the limits of my boundaries. I was always safe. I was always cared for. Despite his need for dominance, I was always in control. I was always a priority and because of those things, I trusted him.

Sloan leaned his head into my soft belly kissing me over the cotton dress. He looked up and said, “Stay, Langley.”

And I did.

