Page 20 of Deviation

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“See you Wednesday after my tutoring session. Meet Aiden, Shelby, and I for dinner? Please?” Edith leans back over the table and takes my chin in her hands, kissing me tenderly.

“You bet, babe.” I grab her fingers and kiss the tips before letting her go, watching her walk out of my classroom in her skinny jeans and silky top. I wait fifteen minute after she leaves before I do the same. I really don’t want to get caught.

Chapter Ten


I know Jack is struggling with this as much as I am. We have enough obstacles in our way without me trying to needle him into an impromptu make out session in the classroom. I rub my breast in the empty hallway, gently relishing the feel of his hand on me earlier. As I rounded the corner, I nearly collided with Daniel.

“Edie, hello.” Daniel eyes my chest and I immediately drop my hand, feeling the burn rise up to my hairline.

“Hey yourself, Daniel.” I try to smile, but from the moment he started tutoring me, the interaction felt strange.

“Since I’m seeing you now, I have a favor to ask.”

“Yeah, sure.” I tuck my hair, which was sure to have escaped its braid, behind my ear.

“I know we usually meet at the library, but I was wondering if we can meet somewhere else tomorrow. I have this other meeting which is off campus, near Halsey Street.” That’s right near my house and since I’ve gotten to know him somewhat from the last few weeks, it will also save me time from having to go home and change to meet Jack, Aiden, and Shelby anyway.

“Why don’t you just come to my place?” I sigh eager to get this over. “I’m three blocks from Halsey on Birchwood, number eleven. Text me if you get lost.” I cringe because I don’t know why I just agreed to have him come to my place.

“Okay, great. See you tomorrow.” Daniel takes my hand and awkwardly shakes it before leaving. I swear he is sauntering down the hall, but I push the image out of my head and set out to meet Shelby for coffee before I go to work.


Today breezes by and I’m looking forward to seeing Jack, Shelby, and Aiden later. Daniel texts to say he’d be a little early, which is fine with me because I will be glad to just get the tutoring session over with and finish this horrid class. I know Jack is in a meeting, so I send him a text to let him know I’ll be with Daniel and will finish sooner than normal, except we’ll be at my place instead of the library.

When Daniel shows up, I open the door and give him a tour of my apartment. Sweeping my arm over the couch, I declare this my proud abode. “Okay, ready to crack those numbers?” he says, as we settle on opposite ends of the couch. I check my phone, but no message from Jack yet. I don’t want to be rude so I turn my phone over, blocking the screen incase Jack does respond and go back to looking over the review sheet from the day before. We review problem sets for about fifteen minutes, then Daniel starts inching toward me on the couch.

“Uh…hey, you want something to drink?” I stand up and go to my small fridge and then the cupboard for glasses, noticing his slightly startled look. I can’t stop the feeling in the pit of my stomach and I

wish we were at the library instead of in my apartment.

“What did you have in mind, Edith? I’m kind of a beer guy, but you seem a little more sophisticated, older even.” Daniel’s tone of voice drops and I get a chill that runs up my spine, making me shiver.

“What? I meant like water or orange juice?” I turn, but he has already blocked me from getting to my door. A door I just realized is locked from the inside and reinforced steel because Jack, my Jack, made sure it was a safe door. That is the shitty part of having a studio apartment. Things were closer, but never so far away. How safe am I with Daniel looming closer to me?

“So, Edie, why did you think people wouldn’t notice you and Jack making moon eyes at each other?” Daniel takes a step closer and I take a step back, bumping my butt against the counter.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Daniel. Do you think you could grab me the review sheet? I think I know the answer to the third question.” I am hoping he’ll step away, but no luck.

“Do I look stupid, Edie? Am I just another idiot you bat your eyes at and fuck your way through?” Daniel growls at me and takes another step closer. Jesus, there isn’t much left between him grabbing me and me flipping out.

“Daniel, I think you’re making a mistake. I don’t even know Mr. Hamilton that well.” I can feel my resolve shaking.

“I must look stupid to you.”

“No. Not at all, Daniel. That’s why you’re the tutor. I need your help.”

“Tsk. Tsk. Fucking the professor isn’t very ladylike. I thought you were different, Edith. Much different.” I watch Daniel lick his lips, and sickening dread fills me. Nobody knows he is here with me, except Jack, who is across town in a meeting and hasn’t texted me back. Daniel has a crazy look in his eye.

“Daniel, please. It’s not what you think.” I will beg and I will fight.

“Who do you think found Jack’s phone, Edith? I did, and I did not like what I read. You have a lot of nerve going behind my back to be with him after all the work I’ve put into you this semester. Teaching you, guiding you, giving you the fucking blue books all semester. ” Daniel huffs and turns around, angrier. “I did everything for you, you ungrateful little whore. Just for you to give it away to him.” Daniel throws his hands up in the air dramatically and stalks me around my studio. I keep backing away from him, but I don’t have anywhere left to go.

“Daniel, please. Think about this. You don’t want to do this. Let’s just end the session and I’ll never tell anyone.” Daniel backs me into a corner. I have nothing to fight him off with and no way to get to my door.

“Oh, but I do, Edith. I really do.” Daniel lunges for me, grabbing my shoulder and ripping my shirt.
