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Shifting up, he dragged his length across the hidden point inside her and felt her muscles quiver around his cock. Repeating the motion again, he concentrated on every tell, ignoring his body’s screaming need for release as he sought to finish her off one more time.

Finally, she let go, pressing up and grinding against him before he followed her down with a shout, his body shaking as he came hard.

When their breathing finally started to slow, Dean got up wordlessly and disposed of the condom, his mind full of things he wanted to say to her. But as he climbed under the covers, words failed him. Pulling her against him, he tucked the blankets around them and stroked the skin of her shoulder.



“Do we need to talk about what this is?” she asked.

Kissing her forehead, he was surprised that the thought of dissecting their relationship wasn’t as terrifying at it would have been just three weeks ago.

Because you love her, idiot.

“Would it make you feel better if we did?” he asked.

“I don’t really know. If the conversation doesn’t go the way I’m hoping it will, it might make me feel worse.”

Dean pulled her up until she was sprawled across his chest and searched for her lips in the dark, giving her a long, deep kiss.

When he broke it, he whispered, “As long as what you want is to be with me, then I think we’re good.”

He felt Violet’s smile as she turned and kissed the palm cupping her cheek.

“Yeah, we’re good.”

Chapter Twenty-Six

ON MONDAY MORNING, Violet listened to the sound of Dean’s even breathing as she played with the hair on his chest. They’d driven home yesterday with Casey, who had fallen asleep in the backseat for the last four hours of the trip while the two of them had held hands in the front. Something had definitely changed between them, although they hadn’t talked about it specifically. It was subtle; suddenly, Violet knew it was okay to wrap her arms around Dean at lunch yesterday. She hadn’t asked, hadn’t worried that he would think she was pushing him. Just like when he’d put his hand on her knee as they drove.

Kissing her way across his chest, she felt him wake under the press of her mouth.

“Good morning.”

She smiled up at him before continuing her kisses. “Morning. Your alarm went off.”

“It did?” He reached over for his phone and groaned. “I haven’t done that since I was a teenager.”

“Must have been exhausted from the long drive.”

“Or something else.”

Violet’s cheeks burned as she remembered doing that something else to him, running her lips up and down his length until he’d lost control. It wasn’t even something he’d asked for; she’d wanted to do it. She’d never done it without the guy prodding her into it, but last night, just the feel of Dean in her mouth and at her mercy had been hot and heady, and she’d loved every minute of it.

And when he’d returned the favor, well, she’d enjoyed that, too.

“We probably don’t have time for something else now, do we?” she asked.

“No, I have a meeting at ten at the base.”

A sudden knock at the front door startled them, especially when Dilbert stood up at the end of the bed and released a loud woof.

Violet sat up with a groan. “Who would come knocking at eight in the morning?”

“One of Casey’s friends? Maybe they heard he got out and wanted to say hi?” Dean asked.

“What teenaged boy do you know who likes getting up before noon?” Violet grabbed her pajamas off the floor and slipped them on, trepidation settling in the pit of her stomach. No one good ever came knocking early in the morning, and suddenly, she was picturing a police officer notifying her that Daisy was hurt, or maybe CPS was back . . .
