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“Since when do you care what Violet wants? I thought you were staying as far away as possible?”

That had been the plan, until you kissed her. Now, she’s like an itch under your skin you want desperately to scratch.

That little bit of info was best kept to himself, though. “Well, since our rides seem to be pretty absorbed in each other, we figured that we better stick together in case you ditch us,” Dean said.

“Uh-huh. I smell bullshit.”

“Shut the fuck up and come on.” Dean dragged him back over to Tracy and Violet. “You ladies want another drink?”

“Hell, yeah,” Tracy said.

“She means thank you,” Violet said.

“No problem. We’ll be right back.” Dean put his arm around Best’s shoul

ders and used his thumb and forefinger to put the right amount of pressure on his clavicle, too subtle for anyone to notice. Best, to his credit, didn’t flinch or put up a fight but walked along with Dean until they reached the corn dog vendor.

Shrugging him off, Best rubbed where Dean had hurt him. “I am trying to decide whether or not to kick your ass right now. Do you know how long it’s been since I got laid?”

“Last weekend? Besides, what were you going to do, screw her on the grass? That’s how you end up on YouTube, my friend.”

“No, but we were headed for an early exit.”

“I thought you wanted to see Jimmy Eat World?” Dean asked.

“Let’s see . . . Have sex or watch a band?” Best actually held his hands up, pretending to weigh his options. “Yeah, I’ve got their album, I’m good.”

Dean shook his head with a chuckle. “You are a sick, sick man.”

They entered the beer garden and got in line. When the bartender waved them up, Dean said, “I’ll take a glass of whatever wine you have.”

“Red or white?”

Dean stared blankly. Now he looked like a damn idiot, but he had no idea; he hadn’t really been focused on Violet’s drink.

Her mouth, now that was another thing entirely.

“Which one tastes better?” he asked.

The bartender released a sigh louder than the crowd around him, and Dean bristled. “Are you seriously giving me attitude because I asked a question?”

“Whoa, easy buddy, I got this.” Best stepped in, shooting the bartender his trademark easy smile. “He’ll have Merlot, if you got it.”

Dean wasn’t sure what Merlot was, but as long as Violet liked it . . .

Best was right; since when did he care what Violet wanted? He had been convinced that being within ten feet of Violet would be an extremely bad call not one hour ago, and yet, here he was fetching drinks. And all because one amazingly hot kiss had changed his perspective?

Fine, it wasn’t just the kiss. It was her and the way she affected him. It was her witty banter and her snarky attitude. It was the fact that she didn’t know anything about him and wasn’t afraid to put him in his place.

His attraction alone should have been a red flag, but she had said it herself; she didn’t want anything more than a momentary distraction. No complications.

Exactly what he’d been looking for. She wanted him. Even if she hadn’t said as much, her kiss had made that pretty plain. So, why not go for it? It was better than going home alone.

Best got Tracy a cup of wine and a beer for himself. Once they paid, they grabbed their drinks and headed for the exit, but the short, rotund security guy stopped Best.

“Sorry, but if you’re buying one of those for someone, we have to check ID.”

“You want to follow us back to where they are?” Best asked.
