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“Good, ’cause my offer was bullshit and I was going to ditch your ass anyway.” Tracy threw her arms around Violet and squeezed her until her back cracked. “Love you!”

Violet bit the inside of her check to keep from smiling. “I don’t believe you!”

Tracy didn’t respond beyond blowing her a kiss. Tyler was talking to Dean, and Violet saw him hand Dean something before Tracy grabbed his arm and dragged him away.

Dean ambled toward her across the grass, avoiding dancing couples, and stopped in front of her with a grin.

“Guess you decided to trust me, huh?”

“Don’t get cocky. I know self-defense, and if you try to put my head in a jar, I will not hesitate to make you a eunuch.”

“God, what is it with women always going for the junk?”

“It’s either that or your eyes,” she said. Turning to face him, she crossed her arms over her chest. “So, what’s the plan? Do you want to stay for the rest of the concert?”

“I’ll leave that up to you. I wouldn’t want to give the wrong answer and wind up blind and ball-less.”

Violet laughed at the imagery. The guy really was funny when he wasn’t being a full-on douche nozzle. Her mirth faded as their eyes met, and she wondered if he was waiting for her answer to his earlier proposal.

Unfolding her arms, she reached out and laid her hand on his bicep, squeezing the hard muscle without looking away. His mouth kicked up in the corner, a show of amusement, and his eyes blazed with what she could only guess was anticipation. Her stomach floated and dropped as if she was on a roller coaster as she realized that she wanted to leave. Right now. She wanted to get him alone, and it emboldened her.

Violet made sure she was loud enough to be heard over the music. “I promise if we leave now, I’ll be gentle with you.”

“All righty, then.” Without further ado, he reached down and picked her up in his arms, cradling her high against his chest.

Violet squealed with laughter. “What are you doing?”

“We are getting the hell out of here.”

“But my tote!” she cried.

With a heavy sigh, he turned back around and squatted down, juggling her as he grabbed the bag.

“You know, if you put me down, things would be a lot easier for you and less embarrassing for me.” People kept looking their way, and she could have sworn she’d seen a few camera flashes. Still, she kind of liked being carried, although she could tell that he was getting tired and had to be burning up, if the beads of sweat on his temple were any indication.

“Yes, but since I am trying to make up for my earlier behavior, I figured I’d carry you to the car so you don’t step in any mud puddles.”

Fighting a smile, she said dryly, “My hero.” Squirming against him as she tried to get comfortable, she finally gave up and poked his chest. “Are you made of rocks or something?”


“You’re all hard. Like The Thing.” Not that there was anything wrong with being rock hard. She’d never admit it to Tracy, since all she ever did was mock her for being obsessed with men’s bodies, but there was definitely something about a man with muscle.

In fact, Violet couldn’t wait to see all of that definition for herself.

Dean released a rusty chuckle. “I’m not sure whether that was a compliment or not, but I’m going to take it as one.”

Violet enjoyed her vantage point for a moment as she studied the square line of his jaw that was already showing some scruff. Her gaze moved along to the vein of his neck popping out against his skin, and she licked her lips, tempted to place her mouth there and find out exactly how salty his skin was.

Violet shook her head. All the wine must have gone to her head. Never in her life had she wanted to taste any man.

Squirming in his arms, she patted his shoulder. “Okay, muscle man, you have proved that you are strong like bull, but I think I can walk the rest of the way.”

Without preamble, he dropped her to her feet and held out her tote bag. “Thank God, ’cause I have to admit, you are heavier than you look.”

Violet grabbed the tote bag from Dean, shooting him a playful scowl. “That is not something you ever say to a woman, and especially not after you proposition her for sexy time!”

One of Dean’s eyebrows hitched up as he grinned. “Sexy time, huh? Are we doing sexy time?”
