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When had this become a game? A few hours ago she’d written him off completely, and then he’d gone and kissed her socks off. Now they were bantering across a parking lot like they’d been flirting for years. It didn’t really matter, she supposed. This was the most fun she’d had in a long time, and she didn’t want it to end.

“Here we are.” Dean stopped behind a black Ford truck.

Violet knew she wasn’t sober enough to drive, and it suddenly occurred to her that he might not be either. “Are you okay to drive?”

Dean seemed surprised. “Yeah, I’m good.”

Rummaging through her tote bag, she pulled out her portable Breathalyzer. She had bought two several months ago, one for Tracy, and a backup for her. She’d actually never used it, but sometimes Tracy was stubborn and didn’t realize how loaded she was.

“Can you blow into this?” she asked.

“Is that a Breathalyzer?”


“You carry a personal Breathalyzer in your tote bag?” he asked.


“Is there something I should know about you?”

“I just like to be prepared.” He gave her a skeptical look, so she figured honesty was the best policy. “And sometimes Tracy isn’t the best judge of how sober she is.”

Grimly, he shook his head. “My last beer was a couple hours ago, and I only had two.”

“Still, please.”

Dean took the Breathalyzer. “How long do I blow into it for?”

“Five seconds.” Violet counted as he blew into the device.

He held up the little blue machine, and she was relieved to see the two zeros. “Thank you.”

“Sure.” He handed back the Breathalyzer. “That’s actually a really smart thing to have on you, especially if you’ve been drinking.’

“I figured you’d think I was crazy or paranoid.” She shoved it back into her tote and was taken off guard when he gently took her chin in his hand. As he tipped her face up to meet his, she sucked in her breath.

“Never feel bad about putting yourself first.”

His words hit a little close to home. She hardly ever thought about what she wanted, except in the far-off future; she was too busy caring about everyone else’s needs. Even before her father had left three years ago, she had put her siblings first, but once she had petitioned the court for guardianship, that was it. Her life was theirs until they left for college.

Except for tonight. Tonight was hers.

His thumb slipped up over her chin and rested against her bottom lip, tempting her to open her mouth and nip at the tip.

“I usually don’t. This is the first time in too long that I’ve done anything just because I wanted to.”

“Yeah?” He dipped his head, his lips brushing hers lightly, a teasing touch that hardly satisfied her yearning. “You wouldn’t be interested in coming back to my place to hang out, would you?”

Violet looked up at him from beneath her lashes. “That depends.”

This time, his kiss was firmer, a burst of suction tha

t left her knees wobbly. “On?”

She ran her fingertips along the back of his neck, nipping at his bottom lip. “If I come over, will you feed me?”

He chuckled, and their faces were so close she could count the tiny crinkles at the corner of his eyes. “We could pick up something on the way.”
