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Upon entering, she walked through the security scanner and reached a large desk with a wall of glass attached. Behind it sat a rough-looking security guard who waved her forward.

“Hi, I got a phone call that my little brother was here—”

“ID,” he said curtly.

Violet rummaged through her wallet and pulled out her license.

He took the ID from her hand and, after glancing up at her briefly, handed it back. “What’s the name of the kid?”

“Casey Douglas,” she said.

“Hang on.” Tapping away at a keyboard, he pursed his lips and squinted his eyes. “Kid’s being held until later this morning.”

“What do you mean? I can’t just post bail or something?”

“You brother is being charged with vandalism and possession of a controlled substance. He’ll have a hearing today, but until then, he is going to stay with us.”

Violet’s head swam, and she gripped the side of the desk. “Can I see him at least? Please?”

“After he is processed—”

“Please, he’s just a kid.” God, she hated begging, but she had to make sure he was okay.

“Everything okay?” Tracy had come up beside her and wrapped her arm around her waist.

Violet saw the guard’s gaze light up as he took in Tracy’s dimples, and for the first time, the man smiled back. “I was just telling your friend that I’d be happy to let her see her brother for a minute. Why don’t you ladies have a seat?”

“That is so nice of you,” Tracy said.

As the two of them sat down, Violet whispered, “Thank you.”

“I don’t know how many times I have to tell you that a flirty smile will get you anything you want,” Tracy hissed back.

“Maybe if I looked more like you—”

“Please, I would kill for your legs. I got two stumps.”

Violet gave a choked laugh. “Ha

ve I told you I love you today?”

“All right, enough of that, or that man might hear you and get the wrong impression.”

“Miss Douglas?” the guard called from the open doorway. “Come this way.”

“I’ll wait here,” Tracy said.

Violet stood and followed the man into an empty room. “Have a seat. They’re bringing him down now.”

“Thank you so much.”

Once the door was closed, Violet paced the room, trying to stop the shaking of her hands and the racing of her thoughts.

This is all your fault. If you hadn’t gone out last night, this wouldn’t have happened.

The door opened, and a guard walked in, followed by Casey’s lowered strawberry blond head. The minute he glanced up and she saw the dark purple bruise swelling on the left side of his face, she cried out.

“You have five minutes,” the guard said, shutting the door.
