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Her brother getting busted must have been why she’d broken down at his place, but looking back, why? It should have been her parents’ problem, not hers. Dean would have to study Casey’s file. At least that would give him some insight into why the kid was so fucking pissed off.

“I was just showing them around before getting Casey settled in B,” Martinez said.

“I can show them.” Why was he pushing this? From the pinched grimace on Violet’s face, he could tell she was probably praying he would go away. Why chase a woman who obviously didn’t want to be caught?

This was a legitimate question, yet he couldn’t give a reasonable answer. He just couldn’t believe that something that had been so good for him could be so

forgettable to her.

Martinez arched a brow but ultimately shrugged. “Sure, I just thought you’d be too busy.”

Violet finally met his gaze and gave him a tiny shake of her head, a silent plea to stop.

“Nope, I’m free.” Dean wasn’t sure if he was punishing her for her rejection or just hoping to satisfy his curiosity about her, but he wouldn’t back down now.

“Really, Sergeant Sparks, that’s not necessary.” She sounded guttural, as if she was speaking through gritted teeth, but that was too bad.

Dean’s eyes bored into hers, silently telling her she had no choice. “I insist, Miss Douglas.”

VIOLET SEARCHED THE area for any means of escape, but the hallway didn’t allow for anywhere to hide.

When the judge had assigned Casey to Alpha Dog, Violet had researched the program. It had opened four months ago, taking in nonviolent juvenile offenders and putting them in barracks. Each teenager was assigned a dog rescued from a local shelter to train. Once their time was up, Alpha Dog helped place the kids with veterinarians, shelters, or ROP programs in animal behavior and health. There had been a bunch of testimonials from parents praising the program, and Violet had been so hopeful.

If only she had checked out the staff.

“Well, I’ll leave you to it then.” If Sergeant Martinez was aware of the tension between Dean and Violet, he didn’t say a word.

Violet noticed Tyler grinning like a fool behind Dean, but Sergeant Martinez grabbed him in a headlock and led him away, laughing.

God, this was humiliating. Had Dean told all his friends about their night together? Now she wasn’t just looking to escape, but silently willing herself to disappear. What if it got back to Casey?

“If you’ll follow me, I’ll give you the rest of the tour,” Dean said.

Violet put her arm around Casey, who shrugged her off immediately. She tried to ignore the sting of his rejection, but his moods shifted so fast, sometimes it made her head spin.

She caught Dean’s disapproving look as he stared down her brother and blurted, “Thank you, Sergeant Sparks. I’m sure you’re very busy. It can’t be easy keeping something like this running.”

“No, but everyone pitches in and works as a team, Miss Douglas.” His tone was so casual and calm, at odds with the blaze she’d seen in his eyes. Was he actually angry with her? He’d been the one to say he didn’t get involved; why would he care if she didn’t call?

Maybe he feels like you led him on, talking about all of that friends-with-benefits stuff? Or his manly pride is stung.

Violet bristled as the ridiculous notion washed over her. She did not want to deal with another sulking male; she already had Casey to deal with, she was not going to take it from Dean.

“Violet, please.” It seemed ridiculous to keep up the formality when he’d seen her naked, but she had a hard time keeping the irritation out of her voice.

Dean nodded and started walking. As Violet trailed a step behind him with Casey, her gaze traveled over Dean’s broad back and shoulders, and she wanted to kick herself.

“Through there are the kennels. Every program member is assigned a dog. It will be your responsibility to provide food and water, as well as train your animal. If at any time the animal is mistreated, you will leave the program and conclude your sentence at juvenile hall. We don’t give second chances here. These dogs have been through enough.”

“I’m sure the children have, too.” Violet didn’t like Dean’s insinuation that only the dogs had suffered. Casey wasn’t a bad kid; he had been through one traumatic experience after another and had always put on a brave face. If he was acting out now, he had his reasons.

Dean stopped, and she almost slammed into his back. He turned, and she found herself inches away from his broad chest, his dark eyes fixed on hers as he leaned in. “I know that. I can guarantee that while they are here, none of these kids will be mistreated, but unlike the dogs, they are not helpless. They can speak up and tell us if they are hurt, hungry, or need help. Animals cannot.”

Dean’s spicy scent encircled her, distracting her from what he was saying for a half a second. That erotic aroma had lingered on her clothes, and she hated to admit that it had taken her a day or two to wash her tank top. She’d wanted the comfort of him, something to chase away reality again without risking getting hurt.

How could you get hurt? It was just physical, nothing more.

Except that the physical draw of him had her swaying dangerously closer, and she could have sworn he’d dipped his head.
