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“Do you really think Dad’s better?”

His expression was so filled with hope that it ate at Violet, and a thread of anger weaved about, knotting in her stomach. “I don’t know, but he looked good.” And if he wasn’t sober, he was not going to like how she dealt with him this time.

“I want to see him. Can you ask him to come here?”

Her heart squeezed, but she nodded. “Of course, Case.” Knowing if she didn’t get out of there, she might lose it, she said, “Hang on, I’ve got to go to the bathroom.”

“Thanks for announcing,” Daisy teased as Violet headed out the door toward the restrooms.

And bumped smack into Dean.

Violet lost her balance and started to stumble, but he caught her, pulling her close and pinning her hard against his body.

“Hi.” She gazed up into his eyes, not even looking away when she felt a heavy weight leaning against her legs.

“Hey.” His face was just a few inches from hers, and she had the crazy idea that his lips were actually moving closer.

Except something was pushing between them and against the front of her legs, and when she looked down, she found the black and white rear end and tail of Dean’s dog. “Either your dog is jealous or he finds being squished between our legs comfortable.”

“Most likely he’s trying to get to your feet. He’s got a thing for sleeping on them.”

Sure enough, the moment that Dean took a step back, Dilbert flopped down on top of her feet, making her teeter a bit.

“Why is he lying on my feet?” she asked.

“Maybe because he knows you’re prejudiced and he’s trying to win you over?”

Violet tried hard to not be amused by the whole thing, but the dog had actually stretched out onto his side with his back to her legs.

Funny, how uneasy this dog had made her that first night at Dean’s place.

“Excuse me?” Violet said, speaking to Dilbert, who lifted his head with a little moan. His brown eyes watched her almost expectantly. “What do you think you’re doing?”

To answer her question, Dilbert actually rolled onto his back and started wiggling his enti

re body over her feet, his mouth open wide as if he was grinning at her.

Violet managed to get one of her feet out from under him with a laugh. “Your dog is a dork.”

“I know. I’m glad to see you warming up to him,” Dean said softly.

Violet’s gaze connected with his once more, and she shrugged. “He’s not really like the other pit bulls I’ve met.”

“You shouldn’t lump them all together. Any dog can be aggressive, but it doesn’t mean that a whole breed is.”

“I’ll agree with that.” Realizing that she’d completely forgotten about escaping to the bathroom, she said, “I should get back in there. Casey and Daisy are visiting, and I don’t want to miss it.”

“I’m glad he agreed to see you.”

“Well, I got the impression I have you to thank for that,” she said.

“No, I didn’t do anything—”

Violet cut off whatever else he was going to say with an impulsive kiss right on his mouth. She pulled back with a jerk and covered her lips, amazed and horrified by what she’d done. In public.

Looking around, she was relieved that the only people she could see were the security guards, and they had their backs to them.

“I just . . . I am so sorry. I wanted to say thank you, and I didn’t mean to do that. Not here.”
