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Rylie’s heart almost exploded from her chest. This was it. She’d been waiting for Kelly to give her some of the higher profile clients, but most of them had gone to Marley because she’d been there the longest. But Marley’s plate was incredibly full this summer, and Rylie had been praying for this chance since she’d watched Tonya Rolland, the governor of California’s daughter, walk down the hallway into Kelly’s office last week.

Then, the entirety of his words sank in. “Wait, why does she want you there?”

Before she could blink, Dustin snagged one of her muffins and bit into it, chewing slowly. The agony was killing her, until finally he swallowed. “I have a feeling the two of us are going to make this wedding very special.”

“Are you kidding me? You and me?” Stepping around the desk, Rylie mumbled, “There has to be some kind of mistake.”

Dustin followed behind her, talking in a low, suggestive tone. “Oh, no mistake, baby. Just destiny.”

“Shut up.” Rylie knocked on Kelly’s office door, ignoring Dustin as he came up to stand beside her, bristling when his shoulder brushed hers. She had no idea why he irritated her so much, beyond the fact that he was an obvious womanizer and liked to manipulate women to get his way.

That was probably reason enough.

“Come in,” Kelly called.

Dustin beat her to the doorknob. As he twisted it open, she looked up in time to catch his grin, his sparkling blue eyes.

“After you.”

Rylie passed him and went to take a seat in one of the chairs opposite Kelly. “You wanted to see me.”

“And me,” Dustin said, taking the seat next to her.

Rylie gritted her teeth.

Kelly smiled and leaned forward, oblivious to the tension between them. “I’m sure you have an idea why I’ve called you both in here.”

“The Rolland/Marconi wedding,” Dustin said.

“Yes. They want to keep a very tight lid on everything, including the location. Close friends and family only, and no press. You two are to get everything ready so when they arrive, all they have to do is get dressed and walk down the aisle.”

Rylie wasn’t the type to rock the boat, but she couldn’t help being irritated. She’d worked hard to get this account; she didn’t need a partner, especially some playboy millionaire who didn’t even have to work.

Taking a deep breath, she blurted, “Kelly, I know this is a huge account, but I can handle it on my own.”

The office went dead silent, and Kelly sat back, her brow furrowed. “Dustin, would you please step out and close the door?”


Rylie’s whole face felt like her skin was burning off. God, she hadn’t meant for it to come out quite like that.

“Kelly, I’m so sorry—”

Her boss held up her hand and Rylie shut her mouth, waiting for Kelly to tell her she’d blown it.

“I didn’t assign Dustin to this account because I thought you couldn’t handle it alone. I know you can take on all of this and it would be spectacular.”

Rylie waited for the but that was sure to follow that glowing speech.

“But, as both the bride and groom have no siblings, they have made their closest friends bridesmaids and groomsmen and asked for professionals to handle the positions of Best Man and Maid of Honor. Do you understand?”

And she did. Everyone at Something Borrowed, especially her friend Marley, had wondered why Kelly had hired a man after all these years. Now it was clear she’d been anticipating this request.

It still didn’t explain why she’d chosen Dustin Kent. Even if he hadn’t sold an app he’d designed in college and made millions on his own, his parents owned one of the biggest vineyards in the area and half the town of Sweetheart. The guy should be sleeping his way across the U.S. and Europe, not working as a professional groomsman.

“Yes. I’m sorry if I was rude,” Rylie said.

Kelly’s shot her an amused look. “Please. That is the first time you’ve ever questioned a decision I’ve made in what, four years? I think you’ve earned a question or two.”
