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And he planned on having a lot of fun doing it.

Chapter 6

Marley sat in the corner booth at the Sweetheart Café, sipping on her coffee as if it was a lifeline. She’d hardly slept last night, unable to stop thinking about Luke and the way he’d hovered over her. Arrogant. Knowing.

Sexy as hell.

Not even snuggling with Butters while watching Supernatural had pushed the sensation of his body pressing against her from her mind. She kept telling herself he was just a hot guy, easy to forget.

If only she really believed it.

“Hi. Marley, right?” a voice said above her.

Marley looked up to find Kendall, Sonora’s sister, standing at the end of her table, looking adorable in a floral dress and jean jacket, her honey hair pulled back in a messy ponytail.

“Hey, Kendall. How are you?”

“Good. Can I join you?” she asked.

Sonora was due to arrive any minute and considering how she’d reacted to her sister’s presence last night, it was probably asking for trouble to say yes.

“Sure, have a seat. Your sister’s on her way.”

Kendall raised an eyebrow at her. “You actually think Sonora is going to be on time?”

“She was on time last night.”

“Maybe, but Sonora is not a morning person. Brunch is breakfast to her.”

Marley chuckled, liking Kendall. She reminded her of Beth and the shit she used to give Marley.

A wave of sadness rushed through her as she imagined Beth in Kendall’s place. What she wouldn’t give for one more breakfast with her baby sister.

“Enough about my sister. I know you’re friends, so I’ll try to behave.”

“That’s big of you,” Marley said. “What do you do, Kendall?”

“I’m a photographer. That’s the only reason I was even invited to Sonora’s wedding.” Kendall’s face scrunched up in a disgusted expression. “She may hate my guts, but she can’t ignore free talent. Or actually, my parents can’t ignore the fact that I’m one less expense they have to cover.”

“I knew they were paying for the wedding.” And considering the expense it was going to cost them, she found it odd that they wouldn’t pay their other daughter.

“Oh, yeah, anything for their precious Sonora.” Kendall sighed loudly and shook herself. “I’m sorry, I said I’d stop. I don’t mind doing my sister’s wedding. I love my sister.”

Marley bit her lip to keep from laughing because Kendall’s tone and expression totally belied her words. “I want to see your pictures. Do you have a website?”

Kendall grinned and pulled it up on her cell phone, turning it over to show her. Marley scrolled through the photos, impressed at the quality and lighting. She paused on a photo of a bride and groom running through a field of flowers, the sun setting behind them and the bride turned back, smiling at the camera.

“I love this one.” Marley showed her the photo, and Kendall’s smile brightened.

“That’s one of my favorites too. I actually entered it in a contest last year, and won an award for it.”

“Really? That’s amazing.” Marley handed the phone back. “Where do you live?”

“I still live in Loco, Texas, where Sonora and I grew up.”

“You should be in New York or L.A. Your photos are flawless. Better than some of the photographers around here.”

“I don’t take pictures for the money. I do it because I love creating something beautiful. Capturing moments that people will treasure.” Kendall’s eyes took on a dreamy quality as she continued. “When I think that people in future generations will look at the pictures I took of their grandparents or parents, it’s worth it to me. Plus, I stay so busy I do alright.”
