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Kelly reached across the space and grabbed her free hand. “Marley, breathe.”

She let out a huge breath.

“Now, I get that you didn’t know his connection, and if it would make you more comfortable, I would take you off the account. However, it’s a little late for that, so I am going to trust you. You’ve been with me for a long time and always been the height of propriety and professionalism. I know that you will be able to pull the plug on this, no problem.”

Wow, that was easier than I thought it would be.

“But if there’s any more impropriety, I’m going to have to let you go. You understand?”

And there it was. She’d worn out her one chance.

“Yes, you won’t have to worry. I’ll avoid him like the plague.” As an afterthought, Marley asked, “Why is Dustin coming into the office tomorrow?”

Kelly grinned at her devilishly, and Marley knew she wasn’t going to like the answer.

“Because I hired him.”

Marley blinked at her in surprise. “For what?”

“Well, Dustin made an excellent point that sometimes grooms need groomsmen, so I’ve agreed to take him on a trial basis.”

“But…he’s loathsome.”

Kelly laughed, a light, tingling sound that reminded Marley of Christmas bells. “Yes, but he is also loaded, respected, and no one will question him being friends with celebrities if he shows up in their wedding pictures. Besides, it’s just an experiment and we could use a little manliness around the office.”

Marley didn’t bother questioning Dustin’s manliness, just nodded in acceptance.

“So, is there anything else we need to discuss?” Kelly asked. “You’re all set for the Keller, Vaughn, and Newman weddings?”

Marley nodded. “Yes, we’re all good.”

“Good, because I’ve got a row of Oreos and a whole season of The Walking Dead to binge watch, so scoot.”

Chapter 8

Surprisingly, Luke didn’t see Marley again until Saturday morning. Sonora and Brent must have made up after their epic blow up because she’d arranged for the entire bridal party to have dance lessons. She wanted some big, elaborate dance number during the reception. Luke thought it was the stupidest thing he’d ever heard, but he was there.

Which has nothing to do with Marley.

No, he was done playing games. If hot and cold

was her thing, then she could do it with someone else.

He sat next to Brent, watching the door. When it swung open, he hated that he sat forward in anticipation, eager to get his first glance at Marley in three days.

Kendall stepped inside with her hair in loose waves around her shoulders, a simple navy dress swinging around her legs.

He looked over at Brent when he shifted in his chair and noticed the way his friend had leaned on his knees, his eyes following Kendall’s every move as she came toward them.

Luke didn’t have long to wonder about his friend’s interest before Sonora and Marley came in, obviously arguing.

“I am telling you what their manager explained to me. They will be out of the country touring, and are not flying back from Ireland to play at your wedding,” Marley said, her voice strained through her teeth.

Sonora’s face was blotchy with temper and she flicked her hair over her shoulder with a huff. “Then call the next contact on the list I gave you. Really, Marley, it’s not that hard.”

“I called all of them. Every single one and they all said no.” Marley seemed to realize her voice had started to rise, and she took it down a notch as she continued, “Why not just go with a local band, or even a DJ?”

“Because I am neither tacky nor desperate.”
