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Luke nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”

“An accent too? Oh, if only I were twenty years younger.” Delores fanned herself, but when she realized they weren’t following her commands, she waved her hand. “Well? Put your arms around the girl, and Marley, this isn’t your first rodeo. Show us how it’s done, baby.”

Luke slid one of his arms around her waist and brought her against him, mere inches separating their bodies. With his other hand, he took hers. “How is this?”

“Delightful, except the two of you look as though you’re in pain. Come on, dancing is fun. Just wait.” She tapped away, calling out, “The rest of you get into position while I find the perfect song to break the ice.”

Luke was aware of Marley’s floral-scented hair teasing his nose, and the soft skin of her hand against his. Suddenly, “Runaround Sue” was blaring around them.

“Listen to the music and have fun with it. Rock, stomp, twirl. Come on, let’s see what you’ve got.”

Slowly, couples around them started to move and Luke took a step to the right. Marley was a half a beat behind but before long, they were in sync and he thought he spotted a ghost of a smile on her lips.

“What did she mean this isn’t your first rodeo?” he asked.

She took a step back with a little hop. “I’ve had friends who have gotten married, and I’ve been in the bridal party. What did you think that meant?”

“I don’t know, maybe that you’ve had dance lessons?”

“Of course I did. Not much else to do in a small town like Sweetheart but take dance classes at Delores Kingston’s Dance Hall.” He spun her out and brought her back in, dipping her over his arm and the sweet sound of her laughter rang over the music. “Seems like you might have taken a class or two yourself.”

“Maybe.” In truth, his mom had taught him, pushing him around the living room until he was old enough to lead.

“Well, whoever your teacher was, you should thank her. She’s very good.”

He smiled, his body relaxing as they danced around the other couples, her brown hair falling from her simple pony tail and flying as he twirled her. It didn’t hurt to talk about his mom, and the fact that she’d given him so much was a blessing.

Plus, it gave him an excuse to hold Marley close.

The song came to an end, and Luke was breathing hard, staring down at Marley as she grinned up at him, her eyes sparkling. Everyone else in the room melted away as he watched her, wishing that he had the right to bask in her joy, to lean over and taste her happiness on his lips.

“What is this?” Sonora practically shrieked.

The spell broke as Marley pulled away from him and the group faced Sonora’s wrath, Brent right behind her. His friend’s expression was grim, and Luke wondere

d if he was realizing that marriage to Sonora might not be as smooth sailing as he thought. She seemed to be forgetting all about putting on a charming front for her fiancée .

Delores glided across the room to greet her. “Ah, you must be the bride. I was just getting them warmed up while we waited for you. You have a very talented bridal party.”

“Where is Kendall?” Sonora asked, ignoring Delores.

“She’s in the bathroom I think. I’ll go find her,” Marley said.

Sonora shot her a bitter look. “You’re my maid of honor. You’re here to see to my comfort.”

Luke glared at Sonora.

She’s not your mother, you spoiled little bitch.

“I’ll find her,” Brent said.

Before Sonora could protest, he was gone, and Luke wondered if she was going to have an apoplectic fit. Finally, she seemed to start breathing again, and addressed Delores. “I have some ideas about the dance numbers. Marley? Can you get my binder from the car?”

Marley broke away from him completely, and Luke tried to tell himself that the moment he’d thought they’d had was just a fluke. Wishful thinking on his part.

He just wished he didn’t still want her so damn much.

* * * *
