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When she found the door closed, she kicked a couple times with her toe. “Hey Sarah? I got the coffee and even a slice of cake. I figured you hadn’t eaten so—”

She heard Sarah giggle inside and then the door was opened by a disheveled Ryan, looking more relaxed than she’d ever seen him.

There was no way…she hadn’t been gone that long.

“Hey, Marley,” he said, grinning.

“Hey. I brought Sarah some coffee, water and a slice of cake. Do you want to…”

“Yeah, sure, I’ll take it.” Ryan reached for the items, and she noticed his jacket was gone, and the buttons of his white dress shirt were undone. The collar was also hanging open, revealing about five chest hairs.

Marley had to bite her lip not to giggle.

She handed all the items off to him, and he set them down on the table. The door widened to reveal Sarah, holding up her obviously loosened wedding dress and blushing prettily.

Marley had a feeling that Sarah’s opinion on sex was slowly changing.

“I’ll just leave you two alone and probably call it a night.” Marley smiled, turning the lock on the door. “I wish you both nothing but happiness.”

The way Ryan looked at Sarah, as if she was everything he’d ever hoped for, made Marley warm to him even more.

She snuck out the side door with a doggie bag from the caterer, and a bottle of champagne. After the night she had, she figured she earned a night to eat, drink, and take a long, hot bubble bath.

She stopped off at the Love on the Corner gas station on her way home. She needed to fill her tank up, and there was a Red Box movie rental outside. She was exhausted, but too wired to sleep and she’d seen everything worth watching on Netflix at least twice.

Plus, she really wanted an assortment of Hostess products. It was that kind of night.

Marley pulled up to pump four and hopped out, fighting with her fluffy purple bridesmaid dress. It had an eight-layer petticoat underneath that was a pain in the ass to drive in, but she’d forgotten to change before leaving.

She walked into the store, and made a face when she saw Darren Weaver at the coffee maker, chatting up Marsha Thornsby. Marsha worked nights behind the register, and didn’t seem to mind Darren’s attention one bit.

Thank God. Maybe he’ll ignore me.

Darren glanced her way, and his whole face lit up.

Damn it.

“Marley. Lookin’ sexy.”

She snorted. She looked like she’d just stepped out of a prom scene in a bad 80s movie, with her poofy dress, puffed sleeves and French twist, but it had been what Sarah liked and her father had approved.

“Darren. Lookin’ stupid.”

His face flushed scarlet, and even Marsha snickered.

Marley grabbed one of the arm baskets and headed to the snack food area. Starting with the orange cupcakes, she tossed item after item inside.

When she ran out of room, she turned around and bumped into Darren.

“Jesus, stalk much?”

Darren, who had always been more of an annoyance than anything, grabbed her arm in a painful grip.

“Why are you such a bitch to me?”

Fear prickled her skin, making the hairs on the back of her neck rise up. “Maybe because you won’t leave me alone.”

The door chimed, but Marley couldn’t see who had come in around Darren.
