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He leaned over and her eyes fluttered, waiting for him to kiss her, swaying into him like a bird in a trance.

But the kiss never came.

Instead, he dropped the Ho Hos back into her basket, snatched a Twinkie and Zinger and brushed her cheek with his lips, whispering in her ear.

“Until next time, sweetheart.”

She was too blown away to say a word as he walked away, taking her snack cakes and dignity with him.

Chapter 10

Since being back the last few days, Luke had really started to hate L.A. From getting stuck in traffic, to the rude ass people giving him shit for the uniform he wore, he was ready to bust some heads.

As he suited up in the station locker room, he found himself actually missing the quiet, goofy town of Sweetheart. The two lane country roads, no honking horns or city lights at night.


He slammed on his helmet, done with thinking about her. What the hell was wrong with him, obsessing over a woman who had no interest in being with him?

Besides, his life was here, seven hours away from Sweetheart and even if she was interested, there was no way he was going to do a long-distance relationship anyway. Those always ended in heartache.

Their team leader, Sergeant Dan Voight came into the room, his dark eyes snapping as he took up the whole entryway with his linebacker shoulders. In his mid-forties, Voight’s black hair was going gray at the temples, but that was the only sign of his age. Luke was convinced the man didn’t know how to smile, but he’d never tried to push Voight’s buttons. “Yo, we got a call to Wells Fargo on West Olympic. Bank robbery in progress, with hostages and shots fired. Let’s go!”

Officer Greg Fornier slapped Luke on the shoulder and took a deep breath. “You smell that, Jessup?”

“Yeah, so put on more deodorant,” Luke quipped.

“Nah, not that real-man smell my wife loves. I mean the smell of heroism.”

Luke chuckled. Fornier was five years older than Luke, with thinning brown hair he kept closely cut, and twinkling blue eyes. The guy was always cracking jokes and keeping the atmosphere light when they needed it, and the guys loved him for it.

“Shit, Fornier, your delusions of grandeur are making you sound like a screwball.”

Fornier grabbed his chest as though Luke had broken his heart. “Laugh all you want, but I am telling you, at the end of today, we’re gonna have our names all over the news for saving lives and kicking ass.”

Several officers around them laughed and cheered, and Luke just rolled his eyes as they jogged out to the SWAT van. While they drove, Voight went over their tactical approach and all thoughts of Marley went out of his head. His mind cleared, just like he’d been able to do since his first combat mission. All emotions turned off, and as they came out of the van and got into position, Luke was ready.

Voight got in front with his shield. “We’re going through the side door. The negotiator has been trying to call and no one is picking up. Let’s move.”

They moved tightly down the narrow alleyway in sync, and then one by one through the door. Two on one side, three on the other. They made it into the main lobby before they heard voices.

“Grant, we’re fucked. We got to get out of here.” This guy’s tone was high and nasally, the type of whine that grated on Luke’s nerves.

Another voice, deeper and melodious replied, “There is no way out. It’s either a bullet or prison.”

“Then let’s just walk out of here,” the first man said.

The sound of a hard slap echoed through the quiet as a new perp growled menacingly. “Get your shit together, man. I’m not going back to prison.”

There were at least three of them. One was ready to die. Suddenly, Captain Rankin’s voice boomed from the outside. “This is the Los Angeles Police Department. Send out the hostages and put your weapons down, or we will be forced to come in.”

“Jesus, Grant, come on—”

“Shut the fuck up, or I’m going to put you down on principle,” Grant the Growler snapped.

The second guy tried to reason with Grant. “He’s right. We’re done for and I’m not ready to die.”

“Then you two walk out like a couple of pussies. I’m getting paid or I’m going down, but I am not letting them put a pair of cuffs on me ever again.”
