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And she shoved the lemon bar in Dustin’s face.

“You’re a jackass.”

When she spun around, her black and white striped dress flew out dramatically and she stomped back into the lobby in her yellow heels.

Marley started a slow clap, grinning when Dustin wiped a glob of lemon off the end of his nose.

“You seriously think that’s appropriate?” he growled.

“Actually, I think they call that just desserts.”

Dustin stomped back down the hall. Marley could hear the curses until he slammed his office door. She went back into her office, a smile spreading across her face.

Rylie deserved a gift card to that little baking shop in Jackson she loved. She’d just made Marley’s day 100 percent better.

Maybe things were looking up.

* * * *

Luke walked into Something Borrowed with a bouquet of flowers and a wide grin on his face. The front office was relatively normal compared to the décor of the rest of Sweetheart’s businesses. The walls had stenciled, curling scripts of romantic quotes and phrases. Not enough to look cluttered or tacky, just homey—down to the plant in the corner and the simple wooden reception desk, which happened to be empty at the moment.

He’d texted Marley this morning about sneaking out on him last night, and she teased that she’d be happy to make it up to him later.

He decided to make later a little sooner by taking her to lunch.

A curvy brunette in a black and white striped dress came down the long hallway to the right. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah, I’m looking for Marley Stevenson.”

“And who might I say is asking?”

“Luke Jessup.”

Her brown eyes widened and she snapped her fingers. “Oh! You’re the best man for the Harwood/Star wedding.”

That was a weird way to say it. Maybe Sonora had hired Something Borrowed to help with the wedding details. Or Marley had mentioned him.

That last thought brought a wide grin to his face. “Yes, I am.”

“Hang on.”

She hurried out of the lobby and Luke frowned. Was it just him or did she look a little panicked?

His suspicions were confirmed when Marley practically skidded into the lobby, looking drawn and pale.

When she grabbed his arm, and started pulling him toward the door, he was completely baffled.

“Hi, what are you doing here?” she asked.

“I thought I’d take you to lunch—”

“Sounds good, let’s go.”

Luke wasn’t a fan of being dragged around, or made to feel like he was an embarrassment, so he dug in his heels. “If I’ve come at a bad time, I can stop by later.”

Rylie stood off to the side, watching them with slack-jawed surprise.

Marley shook her head vehemently. “No! I mean, now is fine. Let’s just talk out here.”
