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“Look, I’m sorry about scaring you, little man, but you can’t get up in someone’s face when he’s sleeping. You feel me?”

The bunny’s ears flipped back and he went over to his food bowl.

“Good talk.”

Luke walked back into Marley’s bedroom ten minutes later, carrying a tray of food. She’d turned on the light and he could tell she’d combed her hair and washed her face. When he’d first shown up, her hair had stuck up a little on top of her head. She was cute no matter what, though.

“Did I hear you having a conversation with my rabbit?” she asked.

“I was just explaining why you don’t stare at a strange guy when he’s sleeping.”

“Oh, believe me, I’ve told him not to do it to me many times, and he still does it.”

“Stubborn vermin.” Luke put the tray with the bowl of soup in her lap. There were a few slices of fresh baked baguette and a spoon on top of a paper towel, and he’d poured her a glass of orange juice.

“Yes, he is.” She breathed in the soup with a smile. “Thank you for bringing me the soup. It has healing powers, you know.”

“So your mom mentioned.” He watched her dip her bread, laughing at the gusto she exuberated. She closed her eyes as she chewed and Luke’s gaze hungrily swept over her plaited blond hair, the delicate veins on her eyelids, and pink lips. Her cheeks were flushed, and his lust tempered as he remembered how sick she was.

“Why are you staring at me like that?”

His gaze jerked up to meet hers, and he cleared his throat. “I was just thinking that you look better.”

“And not like a snot monster from the black lagoon?”

“Hey, you said it not me,” he said.

Marley pointed her spoon at him menacingly. “If I wasn’t concerned about spilling hot soup on me, I would smack you. You are not supposed to agree with me.”

“I didn’t agree.”

She cast the stink eye upon him and he chuckled. “Since you’re feeling so much better, I guess I should get going.”

Did she look disappointed? “Okay. Well, thanks. I appreciate you coming by and staying.”

“Hey, if you want me to stick around, I’m happy to. We could find a movie to watch, and I can fetch you stuff while you call me a man servant.”

The smile on her face was almost shy. It was charming. “You say that like I won’t take you up on it.”

He put his hands on either side of her legs and leaned closer. “So, does that mean you want me to stay?”

Just a flutter of hesitation in her eyes, and then she smiled. “Yes. Stay.”

Chapter 16

Sonora’s bridal shower was held in the Kent’s Clubhouse at Castle Vineyards the next Sunday, and the event had come together rather beautifully, considering how short a time Marley was given to organize it. A hundred and fifty of Sonora’s closest friends and family were mingling on the gorgeous cobblestone patio and nothing had gone wrong…yet.

Marley hadn’t stopped running all morning, and really just wanted to sit down and rub her aching feet. She’d danced for four hours last night at the Keller wedding at the insistence of the bride who adored Marley. By the time she’d gotten home, she’d had blisters on her feet, despite the sensible shoes she’d worn. All she wanted was ten minutes to relax.

But Sonora kept asking for her. Actually, asking was too polite a term. Yelling for her was more like it. She felt a bit like the cartoon version of Cinderella.

Kendall came walking down the hall toward her, a half empty champagne glass in her hand. They’d started serving the mimosas as soon as the guests arrived, and Marley was pretty sure that was at least Kendall’s forth one.

“Hey, great party,” Kendall said, pulling her in for a hug as she passed.

“Thanks, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself. The guests seem happy.”

“Why wouldn’t they be? Who’s not happy? Sonora?” Kendall shrugged. “Eff her then.”
