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Kendall’s grin was brilliant. “Aha! I thought something was going on there.”

Marley shot her an alarmed look. “Has anyone else said anything?”

“Who, like Sonora? Please, she’d so self-involved she wouldn’t notice the sky was falling.”

Marley was relieved for a half second and then it hit her. If she was fired from Something Borrowed, she wouldn’t have to sneak around anymore with Luke. Maybe instead of New York, she could apply for internships at publishing houses in L.A. There were several in that area and—

Marley shook her head, realizing that she was actually thinking about rearranging her entire future for Luke—a guy she’d barely known two months and wasn’t even sure where or what they were.

It was official. After twenty-eight years of sensibility, she’d lost her damn mind.

* * * *

Two hours later, Luke stood on the other side of the hotel room door, a big grin on his face as Marley swung it open. The pure relief on her face was worth it, and as angry as he was with Sonora for ditching her and Kendall, he did like getting to save the day.

“Thank you so much.”

“Hey, I love being your hero,” he said, leaning over to give her a kiss on the lips. He pulled back and noticed her eyes were bloodshot and there were dark circles under them. “Rough night, huh?”

“Can’t you tell by the fact that we were left stranded?”

“That was a dick move by her. I don’t care what you did to piss her off.”

“I called her an evil skank monster from hell,” Kendall called out. She was sitting on the bed with her shades on watching TV.

Luke stared down at Marley in surprise. “Did she really?”

“Apparently. It’s all a big blank for me. I guess Patron and I are not a good combination.”

Luke squeezed her shoulder and gave her a kiss on her forehead. “Well, let’s get your stuff and get you home. No point in staying around here to lose money.”

Luke walked in and picked up their overnight bags.

“Was Brent happy that his princess was coming home?” Kendall’s tone was mocking and angry, which surprised him a little. She always seemed so cheery.

I guess everyone can have their sunshine stolen by a hangover.

“Actually, when I told him what she’d done to you guys, he seemed pretty pissed. He wanted to come with me, but I wasn’t sure it was a good idea.”


ll grabbed one of the pillows, squeezing it viciously between her two hands. “I hope he rips her a new one.”

“He did call her before I left. I guess they headed to Reno this morning to spend the night and will be back tomorrow.”

“Gee, that’s nice.

Kendall turned off the TV and they followed him out the door silently, so he filled it. “The good news is Sonora had booked the suite for two days, so you didn’t have to pay for it.”

“Except she canceled the second night and stuck us with a late check out,” Marley said.

Shit, he was hoping she wouldn’t have to know about that.

Luke pressed the elevator button, trying to sound casual. “It’s okay, I called and paid for the second night before I left.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” Marley said.

“I know, but I wanted to. You’d already had a rough one. So, if you want to stay and enjoy it—”
